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thoughts, words and everything in between. NOW SCRAM! J/k. Don't tear a page off though.
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Changeling Baby Boy 4th Gen
Lovely Genie Double Gold Earrings
Sharp Fish Teeth
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Sy Alopex
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Apr 24, 2008 @ 05:10am
The situtation is so hard,
And I can't hold on much longer,
I notice you're not the same,
Letting you go is what I don't want,
Please look at me while I keep talking to you,
Because I am, Agonizing for your 'good bye'

How to explain to my heart that you're gone?
How can I say that without you it can go on?
How to pretend so that anyone doesn't knows?
That from today you wont be with me, anymore...

I walk alone on the streets without knowing where to go,
Desoriented, confused and don't know what to do,
Because all I do is think of you,
And this heart screams out your name,
In my head it is clear that you're long going, gone,
Its my heart the one who wont accept,
Well it misses your caresses and your loving heat,
Tell me how to cease this pain.

How to explain to my heart that you're gone?
How can I say that without you it can go on?
How to pretend so that anyone doesn't knows?
That from today you wont be with me, anymore...

You can't imagine how does this affect my heart,
How to alleviate with this whole separation,
I still remember that dear first time,
Both together and you all over me,
And now I find my self alone and all empty,
Agonizing I can't stand this cold,
God help me because this is killing me,
Tell me why this happens to me?
And now she's gone, going going gone,
And the thing that mosts hurts me
Is that I'll never see her again
Today she goes, she's going going gone,
And the thing that hurts me the most,
Is that I'll never see her again

How to explain to my heart that you're gone?
How can I say that without you it can go on?
How to pretend so that anyone doesn't knows?
That from today you wont be with me, anymore.

How to explain to my heart that you're gone?
How can I say that without you it can go on?
How to pretend so that anyone doesn't knows?
That from today you wont be with me, anymore...

[voice in the back]
"How hard it is to accept a 'good bye',
of what you love,
but this heart will never, ever,
stop looking for you,
this is a Feeling"


I sooo gotta potty D= xDDDDDD

commentCommented on: Fri Apr 25, 2008 @ 12:46am
I am your best friend,
The one who holds you when you cry,
From lost love's

You lay on my shoulder,
Your crying doesn't stops,
I only caress you

And then you tell me "why is life so cruel with my feelings?"
All I do is hug you,
And consolate you

You ask for a thousand advices to protect you
To your next encounter, you know I will protect you
But you don't know...

I wish I could be that one that you can't sleep and you get desperate for,
I wish I could be the reason you cry for, the one from your feelings,
I wish I could be the one you get desperate for, full of illusions,
I wish you would live in love with me

You stare at me,
And then you ask me "Is there something wrong?",
And I honestly don't know what to do,
If only you knew that I am dying,
I wish I could tell you what I am feeling

But I am afraid of your rejection,
and then you would only exist on my mind

I wish I could be that one that you can't sleep and you get desperate for,
I wish I could be the reason you cry for, the one from your feelings,
I wish I could be the one you get desperate for, full of illusions,
I wish you would live in love with me

I wish I could be that one that you can't sleep and you get desperate for,
I wish I could be the reason you cry for, the one from your feelings,
I wish I could be the one you get desperate for, full of illusions,
I wish you would live in love with me

Sy Alopex
Community Member
Sy Alopex
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Sep 14, 2008 @ 11:52pm
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commentCommented on: Tue Oct 07, 2008 @ 02:07am
Dear Black Beautiful Butterfly,
Heaven's Amazing Gift,
Floating So Gently,
Flying So Elegantly,
Dark Mystery,
Can I Ask You Something?
Deliver This To Someone,
I Miss Him,
He's Far Off Gone,
To A Place Where I Don't Belong Yet,
Can You Send Him This Message?
Tell Him I Miss Him,
I Still Love Him And Above All,
I Will Be With Him...

Dark Butterfly,
Tell Me Your Dearest Secrets... <333

They Float All Around Me...
My Dearest Friends...

I See Dark Butterflies,
In My Sleep,
In My Dreams,
They're Always Near Me,
Comforting Me,
Making Me Feel Better,
Carrying My Burden,
Oh Tiny Dark Mystery,
How I Long To Have Your Beauty..

Mother, Mother,
I Can See Black Butterflies,
Mother, Dear Mother,
They Fly So Elegantly,
Mother, Mother,
They Float All Around Us,
Mother... Beloved Mother...
Why Did This Happened To Me?...
Mother... Dear Mother...
I... Love... You...

Sy Alopex
Community Member
Sy Alopex
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 23, 2009 @ 02:54am
Lil' Jon - Get Low
Spitalfield - Building A Better City By Design
Yellowcard - Back Home
The Status - Get Back On Your Feet
City Sleeps - Not An Angel
In:Aviate - A More Agreeable Form Of Escapism
Jonezetta - Bringin' Back Tonite... Everybody Start
The Lawrence Arms - Lose Your Illusion 1

Sy Alopex
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 06, 2009 @ 10:52pm
I am worth: 8,486,929 Gold
Estimated with known marketplace values on 06 November 2009
(NOT Including current gold amount)

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