Eileru Morfynias Baine
(Pronunciation: AYE-leh-roo moor-FINN-ee-us BEYN)
He never really counted, but he's vain, so he claims to be seventeen, even though he knows he's far older.
Androgynous male
Baast (see "Other" for information)
Eileru (or "Eil" for short) is arrogant and sarcastic. He loves to make fun of others, even though he hates when others make fun of him. He can be compassionate...when it suits him. His respect his hard-earned, but if someone manages it, Eil can be humble and even deferential. To date, the only person to have earned such a thing is a man named Loukas who is...well, old and senile right now. In short, Eil acts like he's the s**t, even though he's really not. On the most basic level, Eileru is a predatory creature that loves nothing more than the thrill of the chase and hunt. Years of practice and enormous willpower afforded him the civilized (if one can call it that) behavior that he exhibits today.
Eileru was born...so long ago, he doesn't even remember it. He purposely cuts out the "boring" parts of his history (ie: before finding the old house) when he's bothered to explain where he came from. He has a feeling he was born somewhere in Norway, but he isn't exactly certain. If he thinks it will have an amusing outcome, he also will fabricate details and claim to have a ridiculously unbelievable history. Currently, he lives in the library of a decrepit old house. Baast don't sleep, so he doesn't see the need for a bedroom. He'll move about at night, but during the day - when he can't really move - he'll situate himself near some books that look interesting and read all day. Of course, if someone finds their way to the house, he'll amuse himself by heckling and scaring the s**t out of them.
♥Harassing other people
♥Telling unbelievable stories
♥Laughing at people's expressions when he tells these stories
♥Confusing people
♥Studying stars
♥Finding creative ways to amuse himself
♥Making annoying people cry
†People that make fun of him
†Monotonous or repetitive sounds
†Anything that gets on his nerves on any given day
†Being mistaken for a gargoyle, an angel, or a bird-man
The Baast are a race of winged humanoids related to gargoyles. They share some traits with their..."statuesque" brethren, such as turning to stone in the sun, but they are sentient beings that do not resemble demons, aside from the heavy stone wings that restrict most free movement during the daylight hours. At night, the wings become feather-and-bone (much like those of a bird) and the weight is lifted, allowing for freedom of motion and some flight. Baast tend to be vain about their appearances and the way people perceive them, since, unlike traditional gargoyles, they normally have very attractive physical appearances.