Meet Milo...

One of the most affectionate animals I have ever had. She was definately a one of a kind. I can clearly remember the day in which I picked her out and took her home - in a little easter basket lined with a linen blanket. Taking her home is one of my earliest memories I can recall and visualize clearly.
I picked her because she was different from the rest of her litter. She was the only cat with a tabby tail and brown spot on her head - quite similar to the Turkish Van. For two weeks I thought she was a male, hence her name Milo from Milo and Otis. Even though she was a female, the name stuck.
She was with me when my parents lost the house in Riverside, and with me through the entire journey across America to my Uncle's house. She was even there while I was in San Diego living on my Uncle's desolate ranch, catching rats and killing them instantly.
She was there when I had no one, an ear that listened, but probably never comprehended anything. Milo was my best friend. I grew up with her, protected her, stood by her. I may be making too big of a deal with this. But Milo wasn't just an ordinary housecat. Sometimes I could swear she was a human trapped in a cat's body.
I loved her so much. Now she's gone. I knew the instant my father got out of bed, because my dad doesn't get out of bed at 1:00am for nothing. I was -just- about to go to bed. We buried her shortly after finding out. The tears haven't hit full force just yet...but they will.
I knew it was going to happen either tonight or in the morning. She's in a better place now. Free of pain, and her earthly body. Hopefully she found Frisky, Shadow and Tigger. The original four are now at peace.
In the morning I need to make the final adjustments to her grave and find a suitable picture frame for her picture.
Never thought I'd see the day that my long-time friend would finally leave.
Rest in peace my pretty kitty.
July 1989 - July 21st 2005
Community Member