Hey guys, Here's the Profiles for the Main characters of our Gaia Comic~!
[[Chapter 1]]
[[Chapter 1]]

Birthday. November 27th
Likes. Street fighting, training,drawing and going on adventures.
dislikes.mean people,annoying people and show offs.
Occupation. Martial Artist/student.
Bio.Sasuke grew up in Barton all his life and was trained in Taekwondo karate,jujitsu and Judo. Sasuke was extremly gifted when he joined Taekwondo at 4 he got a black belt at 7 then a black belt in Karate at 10 and then again a back belt in Jujitsu at 13 and he had now recently recieved his back belt in Judo. At the age of 16 he left his parents to go live with his friends while attending Barton High School.

Username: k u n o i c h i_c h o ((Made in eBay))
Name In comic: Kagami
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Birthday: March 3
Likes: Sleeping, walks, silence, training , cats, sweet tasting things.
Dislikes: Loud noises, annoying people, being woken up early in the morning, wannabes, show-offs, crying, bitter tasting things.
Occupation In Comic: A very skilled ninja.
Bio: Kagami has always seemed like someone named who would never cry. From being accidentally hit in the arm with a kunai, to getting puched in the face, she would never show herself crying. But when it comes to happiness, it would take an effect on that so small, you wouldn't notice her smiling. Definitely something she needs to train on there..

username: chuckles2540
name in comic: Isaac
age: 15
sex: male
birthday: Jan. 2
likes: making jokes at inapropriate times and playing guitar
dislikes: emos, people with no sense of humor, violent people
occupation in comic: unemployed guitarist
bio: took up guitar at age 3, isaac is now freakin amazing at it. he always makes jokes at inapopriate times, usually getting hit or severly beaten for it, resulting in his dislike for violent people. he usually has no clue whats going on around him and usually walks into things at the worst time. but he has his moments when he gives a good idea or says something smart.
V- 2.0
Username: chuckles2540
NIC: Isaac
Age: 16
Occupation: Guitar man!
Likes: Guitar, funny stuff!
dislikes: when he gets hit (which is most of the time), when his fingers bleed and he cant play guitar anymore
personality: funny, stupid except at times he says smart things
Bio: has played guitar since age 2, he is now a god at it. he says inappropriate things at inappropriate times, usually getting hit for it, resulting in sulking with his guitar in a corner.
anything else: -----

Username: Miyu~Sayu
Name In comic: Miyu (Lucifer to thow that know her)
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Birthday: June 26
Likes: magic, books about stuff, food, giving hugs, getting hugs, helping people, cooking, drawing, cats (all animals ingeniral) bothering people, having fun and lots of other stuff the list just never ends
Dislikes: spiders, being scared on peruse (when people pop out of no where) thunderstorms, being alone
Occupation In Comic: Sorceress Mercenary
Bio: Miyu is well...odd let’s put it. She’s all sunshine and bubbles the next and doom and gloom the next and well she can never stick to one personality okay. She’s valiant when’s she mad and will blow you up if you piss her off but after that shill heal you and kiss you and say sorry a thousand times over. She does odd jobs for her living and when she tries to complete her quest they never get completely completed (she ends up giving up half the money she earns)Also she’s a bit slow but she’s a good girl and a strong magic user.

Username: Aen Kitten
Name In comic: Aen
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Birthday: March 14
Likes: Cookies, pocky, her hat, stalking, being hugged, baking, Tophats
Dislikes: Burns, being kissed, Sleep, being ignored.
Occupation In Comic: an Unemloyed Ninja
Bio: Aen has always been quite odd. Many people became concerned for her mental sanity around the time she chose to dress up as a serial killer and stalk her friends. However, when her friends get depressed or bored she's always there to entertain. In all reality, her personality is the complete opposite of her clothing choices. She is possibly the most random thing in all of Gaia and is not afraid to admit it.
Aen also seems to be fond of hiding under cardboard boxes. This is a general method of protection from kisses.... She tends to freak out and go psycho with her Mega-hammer when kissed.
She has tiny black crow-like wings and is always wearing a heart necklace.
Aen obviously likes Isaac.
[[Chapter 2]]

Username: Jinn-San
Name in Comic: Jinn
Age: 14
Occupation: Student/Artist( sweatdrop )
Likes: Art, hitting Isaac. spider pig.
Disikes: spiders and people asking about his pilot hat.
Personality: Nice gets pissed easily.
Bio: Jinn is smart and is the person that always makes plans and saves everybody from destruction( sweatdrop ).
Anything else:Art
[[Chapter 3]]

Shinrou Hakari
Name in Comic:
Hatari, Ayame (first name is Ayame last name Hatari)
Black, dark morbid places
Disikes: l
ife, annoying people, people who cry, annoying people
emoish, keeps to herself (only opens up to friends)
has a past she would rather forget.....
Anything else:
-Under the catscratch hat she has silver/gray (color of hair) cat ears with black tips XD
-A black tail(duh! not sure if it should havea white tip or not)~
-Has scars on her back
-Can manipulate(spelling) the dead... >.>
-Never takes off the collar~
-Can hide her tail when she pleases~
-She is ninja like only not a ninja(?)

Name in Comic:
Hatari, Yuriko
White, places that make people happy, helping people
Nothing really, 'ceplt when people cry or get hurt or injured
Opposite of Ayame's. Happy-go-lucky and oblivious to the point of stupidity
Only Aen knows~ Will be explained later! (yesh ayame is evil and wont let you nice people know!)
Anything else:
-Under the hat she has silver cat ears with black tips XD
-black tail(duh! not sure if it should have a tip or not)~
-has wings (one white one black) that come out when she is excited, startled or overjoy.
-never takes off collar~
-Can hide her tail when she pleases~
-She is ninja like only not a ninja(?)
The comic thread may be found Here~!