people have serious mental issues people go to forums with tittle that have something to do with anime they don't like just to make fun of or put it down they think they are frekin superior becuase they have diffrent taste in anime it's fine if they don't like it but to go out of your way to put it down now come on someone oviously has to much time on their hands
oh i hate when people say learn to spell when they don't like what people are saying or a debate or aguement isn't going their way some people are bad speller and can't remember how to spell a certain word for the life of them
oh yeah to all those who call me anime geek yes that has already been asablished aND i'm proud of my anime-geek-ish-ness
oh i hate when people say learn to spell when they don't like what people are saying or a debate or aguement isn't going their way some people are bad speller and can't remember how to spell a certain word for the life of them
oh yeah to all those who call me anime geek yes that has already been asablished aND i'm proud of my anime-geek-ish-ness