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Yuzi's Musings
<br>Here is my day by day chronicle of the great AX journey I made.

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Thursday, Day 1:

So I wake up at 4:50am. I make sure everything Im taking is packed, get dressed, and we head out the door to the SAV airport at around 5:30am. I arrived at the airport at around 6:20am and we go up the escalator and I say bye to my stepdad and sister to go through security. Mind you, Ive never flown before. The air ride wasnt so bad, it's just the initial getting used to the pressure that gets you. I landed in Atlanta to change planes at around 8:30am. From there I took a much larger and more stable plane towards LA. Seeing the ground from that high is awesome. Anywho, skipping all the boring stuff..

I landed in LAX at around 11:10am pst (2pm est) and started looking around for Sandokiri. I didnt find him for a few hours lol. So I found him at around 1pm something and we're sitting waiting for malee to show up. (It turns out later that we missed her) At around 3:30pm we decided to take the shuttlebus out to the Portofino Inn & Suites (where we stayed) where we meet up with Dri. We drop out stuff off and head towards the hotel lobby where we meet Twistex and Fubenkunai. Everyone piddles around and we head towards the convention center to find the others who are there. We find moonblossom, kokoryta, A.I._Eileen, malee, and timeerkat. Theyve already got their badges, so me, kiri, twist, and fube have to stand in a LONG a** LINE to get ours. Im talking long winding line downstairs leading to another long waiting line upstairs. It takes us 3 hours to get them. -_- After this, we head over to the Mariott to meet the admins and half of the devs. They take us to Baker's Square for dinner, which is really nice. On the way, Ling asked to see my engagement ring. She was like "Oh it's so pretty! Im jealous~" <3 A user and his gf (presumably) were there while we were waiting. The recognition of lanzer was funny. "Omg, Lanzer?!" The user was Veilside. So we ate and Lanzer picked up the check eek

Afterwards, some of the mods headed back to the Portofino while me, Twist, koko, and Fuben head back with the admins to their hotel and proceeded to throw paper airplanes off of the balconies of their two rooms, trying to hit people. Eventually the security spotted us and came up and gave us a "warning" He was like "You could take a kid's eye out" We were all restraining laughter. After we left we made a joke about Lanzer being permanently banned from the hotel. We all parted for the night sometime thereafter.

Friday, Day 2:

Everyone in the second room heads out of the room to stand in the line to the opening of AX. We're all sitting and Eileen pulls out some slots dice. XD We ended up playing slots IRL.

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We also saw our first at-con user, Druki. (*waves*)

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Anywho, after the opening we head towards the Gaia booth, which is almost immediately swamped. We all meet the admins (missing Jakobo due to illness)

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and work at the wheel

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Mostly crappy items were given out. I think a devil tail was the biggest item won, but I wasnt there to see it. sad

The admins gave out some either an OMG hat or a shirt to those mods who showed to AX. I chose the OMG (as did everyone else lol) and bought the G-Corp shirt.

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The booth also sold other shirts and some posters, as well as gave out free postcards. Sadly I lost my autographed postcard sad After the Dealer's room closed, everyone met up after to go out for dinner. Let me tell you, the walk to the buffet place we ate out was LONG. It was so long that Lanzer suggested we ban the guy that drew the map of the area for scamming because it was misleading and the scale was all screwed up lol. Again, he picked up the check @.@ The restaurant (which will remain nameless) had ants and dirty utensils, but good food. sad Kaia was pissed at the ants XDD After dinner, we all waited for a /bus/ to come get us to get back to the hotels. L0cke picked Ling up and put her in a shooping car and started driving her around really fast. He even ran her cart into another (empty one) and knocked it over.

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As the bus took us back, about half of the mods retired for the night. The rest of us walked around with the admins trying to figure out what to do while waiting for the Disney nightly fireworks. When they started, we all stared like zombies oohing and aahing at thekm XD. L0cke kept trying to predict the end of them and was never right. xp We all figured that we'd probably go to the AX Dance, so me, malee, and arwen went to go find where it was at. VO, Lanzer, Ling, and L0cke met us at the dance. Ling and L0cke didnt do much dancing and left early. Lanzer, Vo, and the rest of us stayed and danced. I must say, VO is one hell of a dancing machine. XDD I would have taken pictures if it hadnt have been so dark and my camera didnt suck. Darknrgy, 72squared, and kaia9 showed up a little later but only Dark stayed to dance. A.I._Eileen showed up and lanzer, malee and arwen left. By the time the last of us mods left, VO was still dancing away with glowsticks and Dark was taking a short break. XD

Saturday, Day 3:

Day of the panel. We all helped out at the booth again. blah blah. I bought my messenger bag and a few patches for my fiance at some booths. They had tons of cheap manga that I wanted to buy, but unfortunately I was so strapped for cash I could only afford to keep the money for my sister's present and have money for food. For dinner after the booth was over, Ling ordered pizza to be delivered to the Portofino. All of the hotel-staying mods congregated into one of the two assigned rooms and ate and talked. Afterwards, we all got ready for the panel. At the panel, koko and I were assigned to helping users/non-users sit where they were supposed to. Im sorry to say, but a lot of people were /rude/ and whiny about it. It's just chairs guys.. However, there were some really nice users to combat them. The panel was interesting.

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(Pictured: 72squared, Dri, Ling, Darknrgy)

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(Pictured: Lanzer, VO, Kaia9, and the evil L0cke)

Lots of new things including the new Gaia Towns preview and the tattoo parlor/housing rare stuff. And oh yeah, Gino will return! (he's apparently gone through puberty as well lol)

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Afterwards, a lot of the panel goers and the admins and mods stayed after to talk. Some user kept molesting my hat o_o Users even stopped by to sign a white board for Jakobo, who couldnt make it to AX because of pneumonia. sad heart Twistex, Fubenkunai, and I headed back to out room and sat and talked a little while before heading to Denny's. When we got there, the staff wouldnt let us get over to the admin table (we only figured out there were there after we arrived). Sandokiri saw us but didnt bother to wave us over or tell any of them admins (specifically) that we were there. So we sat at a table outselves and had a grand old time. At one point during the course of the meal, Fuben threw a sugar packet at 72 from across the restaurant. It hit him square in the a** but he didnt notice. XD Twist then proceeded to throw one at him, hitting him in the leg. 72 just rubbed his leg like a bug had bit him and went to sit back down without turning to look XDD Fuben picked the check up (Thank you <33) and we left to go back to the hotel. I passed out asleep soon after that. Zzz..

Sunday, Day 4:

Everyone slept in late on Sunday. After the main goal (the panel) was accomplished, we all had a little less to do regarding AX. When I got to the dealers toom, I wandered around with A.I._Eileen and bought stuff. I got some cute emote pins for my bag and some cheap pocky. Helped out at the booth, blah blah..then went to the artists alley! Im such an art whore. I saw work by Look (Lookie!) and Joulee there. It was awesome~ I so wanted to bid. Look had the commission of koko up for sale. I told koko and she wanted to bid on it but couldnt sad After the booth closed, we all decided to go to dinner at Coco's (after testing the wait times for a party of 19 at other restaurants, lol) While waiting outside the restaurant to be seated, Lanzer came out and was like "Hey the fireworks place is still open. Want to go get fireworks?" to Dark. They wooshed off and Dark came back to get L0cke. They returned with a nice pack of sparklers and fountains. We were all excited. During dinner, Lanzer fell asleep while waiting for his food XD

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He woke up after the picture was taken. After dinner, we walked off behind the restaurant area and proceeded to shoot off half of the fireworks.

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Video of fireworks fight between moony, twist, fuben, and dark:


Short video clip: L0cke is the crazy guy running around with the fireworks. Usaku's boyfriend is the one making the commentary. I make a cameo towards the end. (Asian girl in white shirt trying to get out of the way lol)


We soon figured that we should probably find a new location, so we moved out and headed towards an empty lot.

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This video was taken from the Coast Hotel where Usaku and her bf was staying. The people talking in the bg are usaku, her bf, and some unknown friend of theirs. The light and sound is us other mods and admins shooting off the fireworks in the empty lot, lol:


Afterwards, everyone crashed at their own hotels.

Monday, Day 5:

Slept till around 10:30 and then had to pack up for checkout of the hotel. Monday was bascially the wind down of the whole con. Gaia posters were discounted a dollar and the wheel had its last spins. I wandered around a lot looking at the things I could afford and I bought my sister a Nyanko Burger kitty hot dog. It's so cute~ After the booth ended everyone who hadnt already left for home congregated in the parking lot beside the Portofino and said goodbyes. It was all hugs and everything. (Yes, I gave the admins and devs each a hug XD) After the admins and devs left, a couple of mods parted ways till it was me, moony, koko, and kiri left. The four of us went to eat dinner and kiri paid (thank you~) and then we sat in the Clarion Hotel lobby and talked for a couple hours. When the time came, they waited with me until I had to catch my shuttle to LAX.

Overall, the trip was the most fun Ive had in a long time. I SO want to go back next year, but I dont envisioning it happening unless I somehow get rich sad School is getting more expensive and theyre cutting my need-based funds (a lot of since that makes you ********) Oh well, hope you had fun reading. Lots of details left out to save space and my sanity. Here's a picture of man-Faye to show you out:

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User Comments: [17] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jul 09, 2005 @ 06:51am
I'm glad you had a wonderful time. 3nodding Hopefully you'll be able to go next year and enjoy it again. biggrin

But why does everyone take pictures of the infamous Man-Faye? gonk gonk gonk

Edit:Woo! I'm in *another* moderator's journal! xd

Another Edit: They should really make those dice into a game at the casino. I liked them a lot. 3nodding

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 09, 2005 @ 08:30am
Wow, thanks for sharing. The pics and videos were great, looks like you certainly got your money's worth, hm?

Seemed like a great experience, good luck with attending next year. ^^

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jul 09, 2005 @ 09:44am
Sounds like you had oodles of fun, hope I can see you next year! I'm hopefully earning enough money to go con hopping (with Brandon/Tsuki too ^^) next year so I'm sure I'll catch you somewhere... maybe I can drag you to Otakon next year? heart

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 09, 2005 @ 11:17pm
Yay for Man Faye!

Anyways. Hello again ^o^ coolies for pictures. I was at the AX dance friday but didnt see anyone. Probably cuz i left a bit early from a random guy hitting on me O.o!!

Haa fireworks near the Coast? Thats where I was staying. I heard people with fireworks but was a bit too tired to check it out. Or i was back at the AX dance.

Ah well. Hope you can come back again!!~ heart


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Lluvia Maya
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jul 10, 2005 @ 06:23am
awesome pics! the previews for new features look great, can't wait

commentCommented on: Sun Jul 10, 2005 @ 09:26am
Wow, thanks for sharing! I saw all the info I needed!

As for man_Faye he look Ugly! xp

And Lanzer fell asleep when he was waiting for his food? xd

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[ EvilM ]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jul 10, 2005 @ 10:09am
Wonderful AX Update. Thanks for the pics and story Yuzi.

commentCommented on: Sun Jul 10, 2005 @ 11:06am
Thank you so much for the picture and detailed story about the AX, I personally couldn't go and didn't know much about it, but you really gave me a mental image of what it's like and it sounds like LOADS of fun, maybe one day i'll get to go to one. Thanks for spending the time to do this for other users

Also its nice that a lot of users can see that the Admins/devs/moderators know how to party it down and really are humans

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jul 11, 2005 @ 07:11am
Who/what is Man-Faye!?


commentCommented on: Mon Jul 11, 2005 @ 10:57pm
Some of your story was odd but all was interesting. 15/10

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commentCommented on: Thu Jul 14, 2005 @ 10:42pm
Intresting video clips, those will keep me amused.

commentCommented on: Sun Jul 17, 2005 @ 08:34am
@Kaibi: He is infamous for going to AX every year and dressing up as Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop. However, he was banned from it a few years ago, so know he hangs around the front of it and gets petitions going and stuff like that. sweatdrop

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jul 19, 2005 @ 05:59pm
Wow it looks like you had a lot of fun! The pictures were very enjoyable!

commentCommented on: Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 10:17pm
Definitely after watching some of the video clips, one has to question the sanity of some of the mods and administrators, who, subsequently are also the ruling hands in all of Gaia. The people who we Gaians look up to the most, our role-models, running and playing with fireworks . . . near trees and other forms of vegetation. Man.

Gaia's great!! brenji's going to have to go mod/administrator stalking next year. ninja

So glad we have such unique people and personalities contributing to the betterness of Gaia. xd

Thankies for the video clips, Yuki! heart
They were quite enjoyable . . .

Expect a much larger crowd of people at the panel next year!
(keeps fingers crossed for the next raffle)

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jul 25, 2005 @ 12:35am
Looked fun. n_n I wish I could've gone...Stupid Colorado and its mountains.

XD Lanzer fell asleep while waiting for his food? Well, you can't blame him. ^^ People need their sleeeeep~

...That man Faye is going to give me a lot of nightmares now. D:

commentCommented on: Mon Jul 25, 2005 @ 05:44am
wow. i wanted to go so much!
but that would have subsequently meant that i would have had to fly over 3000 miles from the east coast, to the west coast. and besides, i can barely afford to feed myself. lol. nah, im just 15, but my mother would never have allowed me to go. she thinks that i spend far too much time on gaia-total of eight hours a week during the summer-which isnt much at all! and besides, she just cant seem to grasp the beauty of anime/manga and so therefore, would never have footed the bill for me to go.
oh well, theres always next year....and the year after....

redrum and wine
Community Member
Shaun Holder
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jul 30, 2005 @ 04:30am
That looks really awesome. Thanks for sharing pics, I was having a hard time finding ones of Towns and the new house items. heart

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