If you don’t like something, change it. That’s all there is to it! I’ve come to this conclusion a few weeks ago and decided to put it to the test.
After my dad got sick I began to neglect myself and quite a few of my friends due to a massive depression fit. I started retreating into a box and only popped out from time to time, to drown myself in school work or duties at home.
It got to the point where I just couldn’t get myself up in the morning. I’d lay in bed and just sort of stare at the ceilings in hopes of divine intervention to strike me where I lay D=.
I don’t know what caused the change in me a couple of weeks ago, but I’m thankful it came. I woke up one morning and just decided that I wouldn’t let time pass by anymore. If I don’t enjoy it to the fullest, and accept the bad and the good – than what is there worth living for? I’ve decided I’m going to start hanging out with friends more, start jogging everyday again (every bone in my body hurts ;_ wink , and just plain make the best of what I can. Yes things are pretty crappy right now in my life. Dad’s got a few months, constantly on the brink of foreclosures, mom’s not doing to good… but oh well. Sitting and feeling sorry for myself isn’t going to change a damn thing.
I’ve started taking over the family bills and I’ve been working on a budget. We’ve tested it, and so far it’s working. So I’m not completely inept at this stuff xD. School is also going great, I’m a straight 4.0 student and looking to get into the Trio Program. My brother recently just got out of the Navy after 20years, and was instantly abducted to work as an Engineere/Electronic warfare specialist in Yuma, AZ. Instead of starting out as an apprentice they decided to bring him in right away as a senior. So He’ll be making around 10,000-11,000 a month [ANTONIO, IF YOUR READING THIS I WANT A PET LLAMA AND A YACHT, DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT FORGETTING YOUR LITTLE SISTER. RAAAAAWR]. I’m really happy about that since he’s worked hard most his life – and has three kids to take care of plus his wife and sister-in-law.
After I finish up my associates in Nursing, we’re planning to move out towards them, since I’ll be having to go that way anyways for my further school in the surgical field (nursing is just my fall back).
On top of everything else, I’m finally able to get back into Ragnarok a bit. I LOVE RO, and have been suffering major withdrawal syndrome. I still don’t have time to play 24/7 but at least now I can hop on for an hour or so, or spam the forums =X.
PS: HAY FORUM (RO). STOP BEING PMS-Y. Makes meh want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon =[.
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