i poste new parts of the stories every week on the teusday of that week you are waiting for the new story part to come out.
Every character is dress with gaiaonline chlothes and/or optional items such as bags and swords. Every character i use will have there origonal name
dracomancer of fate recently had his name switch to that but his origonal name was cool ykcir (the name everyone knew him as), so i will use that name.
it starts out with the main character,Ryu, who is traveling to Rankor to find his cousin Poseidon for a place to stay til hes able to get his own place and live on his own. Ryu finds out what his cousin,Poseidon, really is and learns that he is also the same thing but with a unique twist to his power that he doesnt know that he had.
more will be revealed once uve read the story. All the characters in these stories are all active members in the village of Rankor.
1. plz no bad comments on these stories, ive worked very hard on these and i dont want someone to give me bad comments.
2. no picture comments, except fan art
3.No adding your own parts to my story, if u want to give ideas on how the next part of the story will go, then plz by all means do, i doesnt bug me one bit.
4. read at your own risk. when u read these stories u subject urself to read them at a means of Pg-13 content and/or the author is not reliable on how the veiws and expressions towards the true people in these stories are expressed from comments.
If at any point a charcter chooses not to be in the stories let the subjected writer know so he can kill/remove you from the story and will no longer be able to write you back in unless with a good screen write to it and if the writer feels that you should come back with expressed permission from the charcter its self.
This is what the main character looks like so far:

Other characters and what they look like in the story:
xeris of the wind:

Poseidon Imbellisares-:

Matt_NineArena sad made from the actual person)

Wolf_Illusion: (made from actual person)

Pheonix_Vamp: (made from actual person)

Isac Fate: (made from actual person)

Shadow Toan: (made from actual person)

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