----- THii$ ii$ WH0 ii @M.
-------- • S0 iiM N@M3D
----------------- Mateyo Synor Patr`on
-------- • ii LiiK3 T0 B3 C@LL3D
----------------- Mat or Syn
-------- • ii CUR$3D THii$ W0RLD 0N
----------------- July 2
-------- • iiV3 BL0WN 0UT THii$ M@NY C@NDL3$
----------------- 19
-------- • iiM @ B3AUTiiFUL
----------------- Male
-------- • BUT ii L0V3
----------------- Both
----- L3@RN TH3 R3@L M3.
-------- • THii$ ii$ H0W ii @CT @LL TH3 TiiM3
----------------- Certainly not the easiest person to understand, I am an introvert with a capital I. Emotions are hidden beneath the tough exterior that I happen to possess -- like a barrier or something. Although I can be kind and affable, my mood swings are unpredictable. No this is not drugs that makes me like this, if you want to blame something..blame genetics! I tend to be bitter and melancholic, often feeling hurt unnecessarily.(Don't you just love me?) While I like to draw sympathy,and play with your emotions.. I can be fairly insensitive towards others, snapping, being rude and short-tempered. However, my seemingly cruel behavior is only a clever means to hide my own insecurities and complexes.I bet you didn't see that one coming!
Inside, you might say I'm almost like a timid, hurt child. I can be admirably kind, generous, understanding and gracious, if all is well with me.Also if I feel like it, besides just because I can doesn't mean I will. No matter how unpleasant I can seem seem to some people, I have a conscience that prompts me to do the right things - like standing by people in their time of need.Almost like I actually care..but that's me. I also have good intuitive powers, though some of my friends are laughing at this.. and mostly put them to good use in managing my life.
I like to have fun with my friends but " You can do without being so crabby, if one may say so." Is what I get when someone cheats and I go off like a nuclear explosion." Keep your moods in check." I've heard that before and it only ticks me off more. I tend to make a mountain out of the molehill and are prone to self-pity.Ha HA! I can be a tad untidy but that's just me.
-------- • iiF TH3Y WR0T3 @ B00K
----------------- Once long ago in a galaxy-haha..you wish.Instead of that I'm going to do a flashback and yes I can hear your gasps and groans.Does it look like I care right about now?No? Alrighty then..shut up and listen.It was a dark and stormy night in the humble house that my parents lived in, the night I was born.My mom was a model for a wealthy company and my dad was a photographer/artist.They met during a job enterview..how they hit it off I will never know.As I was saying, they got married within a timeperiod of two years and for a time were happily contented to live with just each other.That is when ol buddy love came in and things would never be the same.
It was July when I was born.From what I'm told July is hardly ever stormy but that night was as if it was making up for lost time.Raindrops poured down the window and little moonlight shone on the grounds from the rather heavy storm.Inside on a large bed lay a woman in her early twenties with the sweat and look of exhaustedness about her as she held the newest members of the family.Yes sirrah that'd be me.The guy you know and love..also someone else.My twin ,Mannaseh, who currently buggs the crap out of me.Anyway, in that room I was born all full of innocence and little did they know that I wouldn't stay that way.
Growing up when other little kids were busy driving their parents off the walls with their crazy non sugar insanity..I would hang out by myself happily playing alone.It wasn't some disorder that I had that made me not want to play with those other kids..it was just how I was.Being the weaker and younger of the twins might also account for this, you be the judge of that.I was the first of the twins to walk but Mannaseh was the first to talk so scales tipped even when we turned four. We were always coming up with some disasteredly plan, for being toddlers we could sure get into a mess of trouble! It nearly always worked until our dad found out and I got into trouble.For some reason it was mostly me who got the bad end of the situation..but I learned.Once we got into school that is where our personalities took a individual turn. Mannaseh became outgoing and hyper around people, even going to the point of making jokes about well ME to get some attention. I still resent that to the utmost degree might I add..Anyway back to the subject.Where my twin became extroverted with a capital E, I became introverted with a capital I. Almost polar opposites and that is ironic seeing as how we look identical.
Currently we live in the same house..not much change after all.Only major difference is that Mannaseh and I are nineteen..something of little importance to me but a huge factor to my brother go figure.I have begun to branch out to a group of friends and am pretty much laid back and calm. It is not like me to go on a random sugar rush and bounce off the walls....though I might if I drink like a ton of soda.But I don't like soda that much so that sugar rush is a rariety. Hanging around my friends I'm alittle more outgoing then I had been upon first arriving at the school. That is when I met her goreous energetic beauty of my dreams and our first meeting was a bit rough.Seeing as how she was energetic and I was hanging in the shadows..but opposites attract as did we.Sometimes it can be a bit irretating to me but then agian no one is perfect.Abster is a great person and I admit I get a bit tense when I see her hanging with another guy.As far as I'm concerned she is mine and I am hers..no if and or buts about it.
Thank you thank you.Throw money instead of flowers for my little biography..thanks.Now that you went and saw the history of Mateyo I hope you are satisfied.No? What you want more..ha.Looks like I'm leaving you abit disappointed.If you want to know more..get to know me if I think your worth my time, I might reveal more.Gotta run..looks like Mannaseh is trying to get me grounded once more.Seeya!
-------- • K33P M3 S@F3 FR0M
----------------- -Hieghts
-vaccums(don't ask..those things are evil!)
-------- • iiM 3NJ0YiiNG
----------------- +humor
+soda fights
+watching Bo-Dog fights
+qouted Tees
+Heroes the tv series
-------- • 3WW, TH@T$ $0 GR0$$
----------------- -rodents
-homemade sprite
-old movies
----- D0NT L0V3 M3 JU$T F0R MY L00K$.
-------- • H0W T@LL? THii$ T@LL
----------------- 5'7
-------- • D0 ii H@V3 T0 T3LL... FiiN3, iiM
----------------- ?
-------- • iiM N0T BLiiND
----------------- Black like my darkside..Okay so there just a dark brown! A really really dark brown
-------- • $TR@ND$ 0F PR3TTY
----------------- Black as ash..and proud of it
-------- • iiM $0 UNiiQU3
----------------- An arabian symbol of love on the back of my neck..I don't remember why I got it. Also two peircings in my left ear..
----- L0V3 ii$ WH3N ii C@N H3@R TH@T MU$iiC.
--------- • #1 KJ52
--------- • #2 Newsboys
--------- • #3
--------- • #4 Band
--------- • Extra Band... Copy if you want to add more.