Characters MaruSpecies: Shapshifter
Age: looks and acts like she's 19. Actual age unknown
Background: Maru was created in a labratory. The scientist is unknown. She went to school like a normal child and graduated by 18 ('normal') years of age. She now works at a club for non-humans called Club Zodiac. She loves to go out and have a good time.
Weapons: Assorted easy spells, throwing daggers.
Fighting style: Kick Boxer
CamrynSpecies: were griffin/chimera
Age: 17
Background: Camryn was raised in a typical human family she always knew somthing was differant about her. She didn't find out exactly what till she was thirteen. Her day job is a paranormal investigator for the F.B.I. She also is the owner of club Zodiac. She is constantly looking for somthing to do with her spare time. She loves going to concerts and the beach.
Weapons: Bow and arrow, throwing stars, throwing daggers
LilithSpecies: Succubus
Age: unknown
Background: Lilith has been around for centuries. She's long lost track of her age. Every 60 years or so she fakes her death, takes on a new name, identity, and apperance. She currently works as a C.E.O at a big name company that designs clubs, hotels, houses, and anything else you could think of. She has a fortune that she has built up over the centuries and a mansion. She figures that if she has to live for virtually forever she might as well have fun with it.

Name: Kassandra
Nickname: Kass/Kassie
Age: 16
Grade: 10
Gender: Female
Sexuality: bisexual
Final Fantasy CharacterPlayer's Name: Rikku_Eclipes
Character's Name: Akio Hikaru
Species: Human
Gender: male
Age: 18
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 110
Clothing: Tight undershirt, short boots, loose pants and a loose jacket over the shirt.
Distinguishing Marks: A rose tatoo on his left shoulder.
Status: Recruit
Main Weapon: Cross Bow
Secondary Weapons: Broad Sword
Limit Break: Rapid Fire and Heavy Metal
Personality: At first Akio comes of as very stand-offish. He knows he wants to help out with everything that's going on but doesn't know if he wants to get caught up in any personalities. He's really sweet though when you get to know him.
Backstory: Akio moved to Durem when he was ten. Even back then he wasn't a huge fan of everything that had been going on. Not like a whole lot was going on to begin with. When he was sixteen He had heard about the soldier Sephiroth. At first he didn't really think alot of him, then he heard the rumors of him going mad. Hearing that caught his interest. He wasn't sure why it just had. Shortly after his mother was infected by the Sephiroth gene. She died before the cure was known. Now two years later he look to help if another situation happens like that and get over his loss.
Post Color: Purple
Sample RP Post: Akio walked into the small room to put in an application to become a Turk. He saw the large stack of papers and picked up one of the packets and sat down to start filling it out. "This is going to take a while." He said under his breathe.
Lyra/Lyric (Lie-ric)Species: Human
Age: 17
Background: Lyra is young girl that is gay (by normal peoples terms) and does everything she can to be male. She is Transgender and it doesn't help matters. Her family insists that she's not and refuses to believe it. Though in her own mind there is no Lyra. She is male and only Lyric exists. However Lyra's girlfriend understands her and supports her through every one of her decisions.
Weapons: none
Fighting style: none; she wings it
CatlynSpecies: Human
Age: 16
Background: Catlyn is a young girl that has a firm head on her shoulders. She's straight and has a fascination for guys with long hair. As a result that's how she met her 'boyfriend'; Lyra. When she first saw her, she thought that she was a boy. A very beautiful boy. When she found out that she was physically female she was slightly disappointed. Lyra had explains the situation and they decided to give it a shot. Here they are two years later. Completely inseparable.
Weapons: none
Fighting style: none
Apperance: the one on the left Lyra; Right Catylyn
CrystalSpecies: Kitsune
Universe: Sonic
Age: 14
Weapons: mind
Fighting style: none
CamrynSpecies: Kitsune
Universe: Sonic
Age: 16
Fighting style: none
GarrettSpecies: Vampire
Age: N/A
Background: A rouge vampire that hangs around night clubs. He's angsty and isn't big on conversation. His clan thought of him to be a joke and he's had no desire to go back.
Weapons: Fists and teeth
Fighting style: street