I earned some decent cash off selling my ninja headband finally, which was nice. I'm still stuck with an ugly emo bag though, but it's better than nothing.
So with the money I recieved I went on a spending spree. First and foremost I bought my long sought after guild. After that was done, I had some extra cash so I spent some more on items.
Then I did something I've never done before.
I...I... bought a pair of shoes. *keels over and starts crying*
In all my years of playing Gaia, I had -never- bought or worn a pair of normal shoes. That's right. Never.
I only wore bandage wraps and socks, with the occasional event shoe. I currently only had three pairs of shoes; one, a pair of jolly slippers, two, jack's shoes, and three, peasant's boots.
The peasant's boots were given to me by a friend, so I didn't technically buy them. And I never wore them either.
SO I FINALLY BROKE THE CHAIN. These shoes are so snazzy though, can you blame me? sad