skyler called me alot in the morning again and i mizzed almozt every call and felt bad. she told me her dad waz piking her up and i waz sorta ok with that bkuz i didnt want her 2 go over 2 her dadz houze so i didnt have 2 drive further away. that waz ok. she called and woke me up again and thiz time she said she waz gonna get a job and i got upzet kuz i dont wanne see her lezz when we both have jobz. i got so upzet and i waz so tired i didnt wanna talk about it. a little after i told her about it and explained y i waz so tired and y i went 2 bed late hehehe i couldnt give her a clue about the gift i made 4 her wink the rezt of the day i waited till i could see her, and then she told me her and ziggy were gonna come by, but then that took long and i got so impatient i fell azleep. she came over and we cuddlez all night and i waz really happy nothing went wrong. now im juzt upzet kuz i probly wont see her 2morrow, but there might be a chance, and im hoping that we can see eachother