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Rosewhips and other happy things
This is a notebook of all my thoughts throughout whenever.I'm an idiot.Now that we've well established that you have can have no whining whatsoever about my Journal or Retardation.
Yesterdays credits rollin' by....
So yeah.I'm gonna rant about yesterday so I don't bore people to death with my story on Monday LOL Believe me all meh friends would be happier LOL
So anyways.I got my first deer ^^~ I'm really super stoked apart from other things.So I got up like 4 times that night because of my sister's alarm clock which kept going off and I had no idea how to get it to stop so I kinda ripped the cord outta the wall the fifth time....ANYWAYS,I woke up at 4 and drug my butt outta bed for the last weekend of hunting and slumped into the couch next to my Dad and Mike who were already up and deciding were they were gonna go and so on (Mike's Wife washed his Camo then put a whole buncha dryer sheets in it LOL He smelled like spring sunshine LOL He winded every deer he saw LOL) My Dad turned to me and smiled like usual and was all like,"You gonna get something this year?"
It's the fourth year hunting.Second without my Dad holding my hand and walking me out and all that so I was excited a little but OH SO sleepy.I nodded and kinda smiled back before snoozing for 15 minutes when he woke me up and told me if I fell out of my stand he was gonna make me hunt on the ground (I fell out my first year,15 feet,because of a medication I was taking LOL I was okay though....)Anyways,Got ready and suited up,descented,threw on my orange and got ready.It was still dark out but I wanted in early.Wished each other luck and got going. Halfway down my Path and Heard a deer walking and froze.I was about a five minute walk to my stand and there was no way I could see worth anything so I paniced and hit the dirt using my knee as a prop for my gun till my eyes adjusted.It was so creepy because I could hear everything but I couldn't see it! It wasn't even 5 feet away and I couldn't see! I could even hear it breathing! OMG It was so cool! About 3 minutes later I heard a grunt and the deer took off up the hill being chased by a buck.It was really freaky and cool.So I decided,"Time to move and move now." I got in my stand,Didn't even bother to pull up my gun,I just carried it backstrap style(Which is a big no no >.<'' Bad Dannie*Slaps Hand*) I got up there and I listened to those same two deer chasing each other around.Deer cover and AMAZING amount of ground in a few seconds.Anyways,They went up and over the hill behind me towards my dad's stand and I waited till first light.About 6:30 ish,The sun had just come up I heard a deer walking to my left.It was a deer I had saw ion the first day I had hunted,A little six about a year and a half old followed by McMoron a Spike that was always with him.I watch them walk in and spare again (And Again,And Again.) McMoron was so cute LOL Fighting with Mister Six...it was cute.Anyawys,I watch them for about a half hour and they were eatting and walking around.I decided to wait a little because I wanted to see if anything else would come up.At 6:50 after picking up my rifle about three times and thinking about shooting the six I got several good shots and kept thinking about what I really wanted to do.He was a yearling with an okay rack and a large body for his age. He was also going to hit the migration this winter and leave the property because of his age.(Mom would chase him out) plus the fact that he was in a batchalor group and I had told myself the first time I saw him that If I saw him on the last day tehn I would take him definatly.So I got my sights up ans watched him. I didn't move I just watched him through my scope and I kept running my rifle safeties through my head.Click off your first safety.......Slide Second....The hammers down....Your red.Go.Okay Go Now........Now....Now......He's broadside....Stop breathing like that you'll be off....BREATH DAMIT! So I did.I let out a breath and steadied myself.It was so hard because All I could think about was,"Make a good shot.Your responsible for your actions and aim.Make a good shot."So I waited and I fianlly did what I have been told to do since I was like 5 I bleeted stopped him exhaled and pulled.The next I knew my ear was ringing and I stood up in my stand and pretty much said,"I hope that was a good shot!" without even thinking.He dd a heart kick and turned in the air a little before taking off the way he had come out.I heard him fall down not to far away.I was shaking so bad and I know my face looked stupid because I figured out my mouth was open for the whole time after I had shot when I coldn't swallow.I sat back down and heard two deer chasing again.McMoron and a Large doe ran under my stand and back across the dam.I hadn't even noticed I had ejected my shell.I looked down at it and then remembered what to do next. I put my safeties back on a and sat with my gun across my lap.
"Oh my god I hope that was a good shot.I know it was a good shot..." was all I could repeat to myself. I took my time and tied mt gun and lowered it and got out of my stand.I almost ran up to the house and showed mom the shell.She hugged me and I called Dad.He'd heard me shot and said to wait for him. I saw blood and fur where my deer had been standing but I wasn't sure is what I told him.He said "Way to go.I'm proud of you.I'll see you at 8:00" So I waited for an hour and we went down and followed the trail.I cried.I'm not gonna lie. The fact that I had done something that counldn't be undone and something that was tradition and ment so much to me and my family.Providing for them and at the same time helping out with something so much bigger. It was a connecting to something that was hard to explain. Dad told me it was natural and he had cried and all when he was little too.It was something hard to explain.I was a little sad but I wasn;t crying because of that.It was something else.So we got him home nd I sat with him the whole way.Dad showed me all the dirty work and helped me for my first time(Rule Number One:YOU WILL GAG! Everyone gags! First time or 1 millionth time! The smell of gutting a deer is.......*Shivers* not plesent.....>.< wink So I had my deer. he dressed out at 140 so he was 170 walking which is pretty good.Friends and neighbors stopped by and congradulated me and all that and Dad and I are going to mount it as a little project together."You got the perfect shot" was all Dad Kept saying.I was so happy I had done everything I was suppose to.Perfect heart and lung shot.All and All It was something totally waiting for.And I feel so strange now but It's a good thing.I wish I could explain it but I can't. But I do know it's a good thing.After words after being awake since 3:30ish till noon working I passed out and slept till about 2ish when Myke started wanting to do something ^^'' so I hung out with him,TC,and Sydney till about 10:40 and passed out again.WOOT Videogames and pizza lol
And here I am,feeling horrible and sick typing up what happened yesterday before doing the house cleaning and consoling my sister because Will can be a butt-monkey sometimes.Woot! Ranting Dannie out!

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