So as promised earlier this week, I figured I'd talk more about the Halloween event. I'm going to break this down into easy-to-read-style-chunklets. That's how we like it, right?
How long did it take to write the event? How many people did it take?
It's hard to say exactly. Our event team meets once a week officially, so often you run into a pattern like this:
Week 1: Event brainstorm - We basically throw out a few good ideas, not particularly developing any one of them too far.
Week 2: Decide on an event - We take our brainstorm ideas from the previous week, look at them more critically, and decide on the idea that's the strongest.
Week 3: Refine and spec the event - Finally, we decide upon the specifics of the event, as best as we can at this point. Once we start adding in graphics and coding things, we find out more granularly what works and what doesn't.
Unfortunately, Halloween took a while longer than this, mostly because we had come up with an event that was too similar to events we'd done in the past. Summer Festival was a completely new event and went over successfully. It would have been lame if Halloween, Gaia's biggest event, was trumped by a newcomer.
So after we had decided on something, a few of us were dissatisfied with it, and decided to make alterations to it. They definitely meant more work (which maybe wasn't the smartest thing in the world for us to agree to), but it was well-worth it in the end.
Once I really got down to coding, it took 4 hectic weeks for us to pull everything together. I think I put in 91 hours the week before release of the event (which doesn't beat my Summer Festival record of 93.5 hrs, if I recall correctly). Almost every artist in the company did overtime to work on the Event Downloads. Lots of writing, art, development, and UI went into the event. All told, I wouldn't be surprised if over 20 hands touched the event before it went out.
Makes it seem kind of crazy that we do all that work for just a little over a week's availability gonk
Event Upgrades
One thing we strive to do with every event is make it better than the previous ones and solve problems we encountered while running them. One of the major improvements about events actually involves meetings where people who have knowledge about previous events contribute to the process.
I can't say specifically what all the things are (this is valuable info!) but you have to trust me biggrin
Event Foibles
Of course, with every event, there are big issues that we have to strive to fix in future ones. Examples:
Being unclear about the end of the event - In the future, we have to remember to announce how long the event runs from the get-go, make that info available on the event page, and be clear about what time it ends, specifically. Of course, in the case of this event, I wasn't able to push the code until the morning after it ended.
Turning! - The first day of turning was a mess. Too many people here (myself included) thought it could work out the same way it did with the Grombie event. i.e., we turn one person, and then it spreads virally. Unfortunately, the game was so balanced this didn't turn out to be the case. I sort of realized this the day before the event went out, but I had so much to do, I wasn't able to add the "turning at the home bases" concept until day 2. Although several users who put in a lot of time in the first day got really upset, ultimately it was without a doubt in my mind, the best thing for the event.
The vampire skin was never really intended as a reward. We wanted there to be as many vampires as there were humans, and on day one, this was very much not the case.
New Stuff and Stuff I Liked
This event featured a lot of new things Gaia's events have never had before. A quick list:
1. A battle system rofl (with the concept of HP, attacking abilities, Rage points)
2. A mad-lib system that was used to generate the attack posts. In previous events, we maintained a static list of responses and pulled from them randomly for our comedy. We can use this in the future in various other fun ways.
3. A flash-based HUD (Heads-Up Display) which showed the area you were in, your health, how long you had before you turned, and more
4. Multiple-attacks-per-post, which meant that we didn't end up with as much of a race to attack as with some past events
5. Team home forums that were exclusive (in the Summer Festival event, people would trash talk in other team's home forums. That was kind of a mess!)
One of the things I really liked about this event was the attacking / turning / curing mechanics. You go into the field and fight, then you go to your home base to get cured. Users who wanted to play rough could fight, users who wanted to just chill could cure. It's a mechanic that adds to the fun, AND caters to different play styles.
One thing that surprised me was how excited some users were about it. I had several users PM me to tell me that they got out of family trips just so that they would be around for the event eek
Bugs, Non-Features, Misconceptions, Etc.
I noticed that my hits worked more often the stronger I got!
It's all in your head! This mechanism did NOT exist.
My weak attack (90% chance) + my rage ability (10%) chance missed!
Yeah, there was a little bug there that made what should have been 100% chance attacks miss on rare occasions. I only really became aware of it towards the end of the event, and I had other fires to put out smile
If you tried to turn back from a vampire using the Red Bino item, that turns you back into a human. If you tried to turn back from a vampire using the Human Home Base, you should be restored to your original avatar base. If you turned back using a Red Bino, the event will still consider you a vampire (Gaia's user database has no real concept of "race" other than the artwork that acts as your avatar base graphic) and you can still go back and turn into your original base model.
Why no black vampire skins?!
Very simply, we didn't have time to make more. The ones we had were created practically hours before the event was released. Users may not recognize it, but even for a basic item, a TON of work has to go into customizing the item and entering it into the database so that it supports animation in towns, standing, sitting poses, facing in different directions, and layering.
Oculus Magicka/Superior Form doesn't work with the vampire skinssssss!
See Juno's Journal Entry about this!
You guys should make a forum-based battle system that's like this, but better!
It's been mentioned around the office by a few people, but the likeliness of this actually happening is pretty low. I would like to see it made into maybe a "thread type" or post type (if we ever implement anything like that) so that RPers can have more sophisticated battles and such. Again, though, unlikely.
ADDED! You guys didn't announce the event the first day!
We were going to - but the site was crashing sad So we decided to wait until we fixed all the errors before we told people to use the event. This turned out for the best, considering that by that time, we had the turning at home bases in place.
Halloween has been, by far, one of my favorite events to code. I think Summer Festival may have been a little bit more fun for me to work on (I was definitely less burnt-out after it) but I definitely like this event better overall.
It was one of the first events that, to me, felt really like a game rather than a task you had to do to earn items. Summer Festival had elements of this, but in the end it became a grind, and I really wanted to avoid that this time around. Judging from some of the responses, we were at least partially successful at that.
Events have come a loooong way, in large part due to all the people who contribute to the creative process behind it. As far as execution, I would be a liar if I said I'm the one who made it run smoothly -- when the servers got overloaded, several other more experienced developers here were the ones who stabilized the site. Regardless of who's involved, though, events are larger, more stable, and more engaging than they've ever been.
Gah! Now it's time to work on Christmas! (Hint: It will be a much smaller event sweatdrop )
Devs need sleep too!
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xd Newbie awesome item protection...
-needs better wording for that concept-
-Loves your sig ninja