- Ace Teh Son of Destiny (Age 17) : Teh one who send by Goddess of Destiny to protect Teh town of Hoston from teh evil dark mage's curse.

-Cexa : No one Know much about him or where he comes from, he is always seems moody and quiet. He came with the old man who gave Ace the sword and told him the details on his destiny, and he also asked him to take cexa with them on his journay.

- Kimmy (Age 14) :Ace's best friend from his childhood, they both share mostly all the stuff thats happens around them and she be the first one to know teh path lay against Ace's journey. She is the smart one in the group that travel with Ace.

- Wendy (Age 17) : Ace is Wendy is Close friend since they were little...She wanted to help Ace with his journey and demand that she goes with him on his destiny to defeat the Dark Mage. She And Josh are in love with eachother and make a really cute couple. She got a strong will and have been through a lot, Although easy going never push her over the limit.

-Josh (Age 17) : Another one of Ace close friends lived in the same town as Ace, those 4 hang around together most of the time doing something each day. He and Wendy are in love and also both decide to join Ace and Kimmy to help Ace in his Journey to find his Destiny. He is the funny one of the group, he know how to make anyone smile or laugh in whatever situation or trouble they are in..

- March (Age 15) : She was living in a small house the town was half empty not many people live around the town as it was one of the town that have been cursed by Dark Mage...She also wanted to destroy the Mage's soul, so she decide to join Ace and others to destroy it..

-Kelly - Ace and the group meets Kelly in a little town while they were on they journey..She always seems to be doing something for fun and she is hyperactive one in the group and she is always up for some fighting...