A girl with bangs and long black hair that laid in the middle of her back but up in pig tails, and sapphire blue eyes, that was dressed in a light brown skirt, white knee high socks, black jacket that was over a light brown shirt, and had black shoes walked into the class room with a bright smile. She walked over to her seat and sat beside a girl with crimson red hair that was up in pig tails but some hair was left down in the back, ruby red eyes, she wore a white shirt, black skirt with a red belt, black knee high socks and black shoes.
"Good morning Masha-Chan." She red headed girl said smiling.
"Morning Heigher-Chan." Masha replied, "lovely day isn't it?"
"Yeah." Heigher looked around in the half empty room, "where's Aerean and Mikoto-San?" She asked, Masha shrugged.
"There." She said pointing the door and it opened, in came a girl with white hair and gray eyes, she wore a White zipped up jacket, a gray skirt and gray knee high socks. Behind her was a taller girl with purple hair that was also but up in a bun and red eyes, she wore a green and white shirt, a black skirt, black knee high socks and white tennis shoes.. They spotted Masha and Heigher then waved.
"Good morning!" Yelled the purple haired one, Masha and Heigher waved.
"Morning Mikoto-san." Masha greeted, the other girl bowed, "and good morning Aerean-san." Masha added.
"I have a feeling that this year will be great!" Heigher said stretching. Everyone nodded in agreement, "you might even get to see Mamoru-Kun." She said elbowing Masha who shot her a glare.
"Oh hush!" She yelled punching Heigher in the arm, "don't forget Haru." She said smiling evilly. Mikoto smiled and Aerean laughed a little.
"Ah! Aerean-San laughed!" Mikoto exclaimed, Aerean quickly covered her mouth.
"No I didn't!" She said with wide eyes.
"What's so bad about it?" Heigher asked, Masha shrugged then starred at Aerean in the eyes. They both kept a straight face then Masha smiled in which made Aerean laugh.
"She can never resist that!" Masha laughed along with Mikoto and Heigher.
The door opened and everyone in the room fell silent and looked at the door with curiosity. A man with black hair, what seemed to be black eyes, small reading glasses, and was wearing a white buttoned up shirt with a light blue one underneath, black pants, and shoes. walked in the classroom. Something about him made the girls shiver, and the aura in the room went from happy to blank.
"Hello class." The man said pushing up his glasses, surprisingly his voice sounded young. Like an eighteen year old or something. "I am Mr. Masa, and I will be your new science teacher this year." He put his hand on his chest as he spoke.
"What happened to Mrs. Aki?" Blurted a kid across the room, Mr. Masa looked at him.
"She had quit." He answered bluntly.
"Why?" A girl asked that was in the back of the room.
"That is none of mine, and your concern." He replied closing his eyes and putting his hands behind his back. "Enough about that, let's talk about the school year." He paused to open his eyes and looked at everyone, examining them all. "Now, will all of you please take a seat and I shall begin." He said looking at Aerean and Mikoto who were still standing. They quickly took their seats in front of Masha and Heigher, Masha glanced at them then looked back at the teacher.
Ok that's enough for now, I hope you likey! Well here's the characters so far ok? Enjoy!!!




Mr. Masa: