my poor self!!!
ok today i had to go to the grocery store and buy jello, yogert, pudding, juice, and icecream! do you know why? of course you don't know why cause i haven't told you yet.!!! anyway i have to get my wisdom teeth taken out which is like so cool!! the only not cool thing about it is that i have to have an IV put in me!!! and i really don't want one. sad oh well. ok i am going to have to wake up real early and then drive down to the place then they are going to put the IV in my arm or hand or something and it is going to hurt. and i am going to have to listen to the docter. Then they are going to put me to sleep and take out my four wisdom teeth. That will take about thirty minutes and then i will have to wake up evenutally. and then they are just going to give me a bunch of cottonballs so i can put them in my mouth and then i won't be able to eat anything in like four days. Which is fine with me but still my mother is going to make me eat jello and i don't like jello. gonk yeah and my life is just so great! pray for me!!!!!! heart smile