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![User Image](https://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g246/Homunculilover0111/ccc.jpg)
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==x.x.x______________________{|N a m e|}
===Akane Katsu
==x.x.x______________________{|M e a n i n g|}
===Deep Red, Victory
==x.x.x______________________{|C o d e - N a m e|}
==x.x.x______________________{|A g e|}
==x.x.x______________________{|R a c e|}
==x.x.x______________________{|G e n d e r|}
==x.x.x______________________{|D a t e - O f - B i r t h|}
===October, 31st
==x.x.x______________________{|C h i n e s e - H o r o s c o p e|}
==x.x.x______________________{|N a t i o n a l i t y|}
==x.x.x______________________{|O c c u p a t i o n|}
![User Image](https://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g246/Homunculilover0111/ccc.jpg)
|♥|Ж|♥|{ X x X } _________________ {┨LOOKiiNG INTO THE MiiRROR┠}
==x.x.x______________________{|U s u a l - A p p e a r a n c e|}
=== I am different in a unique way.
==x.x.x______________________{|D i s g u i s e ' s|}
===x x x x x x x
==x.x.x______________________{|H e i g h t|}
==x.x.x______________________{|W e i g h t|}
==x.x.x______________________{|H a i r - C o l o r|}
==x.x.x______________________{|E y e - C o l o r|}
==x.x.x______________________{|B o d y|}
===Akane has a rather small frame, though she never really cared much for her figure, her height is about 4'9, she is very short for her age, not that she's care's much. She weighs about 99lbs, she is skinny from the lack of eating. She has a round'ish smooth face, giving her a small childish look, her eyes are constantly wide, giving her a slightly intimidating look.
==x.x.x______________________{|C l o t h ' s|}
===Akane when out side, she wears your typical school girl like cloths. When inside she some time's wears a traditional Kimono with nice designs, and on special occasions, but it's rather rare for her to do so. And of course, her disguises, she wears normal cloths or something maybe unusual. It's depends on her mood on that certain day.
![User Image](https://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g246/Homunculilover0111/ccc.jpg)
|♥|Ж|♥|{ X x X } _________________ {┨UNiiQUE┠}
==x.x.x______________________{|L i k e ' s|}
===• Challenges // Riddle's
Akane really favors a challenge, something hard, whervy of her time, nothing super simple. She never gives up until she has solved it. She'd spend hours upon hours just on the even little challenges. She could solve a rubix cube within a matter of minute's since she's had much experience with them. Puzzle, not that much of a challenge to her, the longest amount of time she has ever took on a puzzle was about twenty minute's or so. Riddle's? Simple, amazingly she can answer them with in at least four minute's. These added up to all the more reason she become a detective, figering out who the criminal's are, solving riddle's, analizing crime scenes, this was her specialty.
===• Working Alone // Independant
Akane is a loner, she relies on no one but her self. She has no need for assistance, but will assist people in need. She works alone preferably though. She decline's any help, rather a little stubborn, as if saying she can do what ever it is on her own, she won't want to look weak. She has been alone all her life, she what difference would it make now? She has never relied on people the most until now. Apart from the additional information gathering and assistance from another detective. That is an acceptation. Apart from all this, some time's, rarely, she feels the need for any sort of company, whether an animal or a human being, she can't help but feel too lonely, and feel an instant need to have something or some one there with her.
===• Music // Japanese Rock
You'd usually see Akane listening to music, humming to her self, doing mostly anything, browsing the internet, walking down the street, even while she's investigating, it make's no difference. She prefers J-rock kind of music, even tough she's originally from Britain, she prefers that type, some English songs as well, but mostly in Japanese, it matters not to her since she is fluent in Japanese. She prefers music similar to Dir En Grey, that's her main favorite band. She'll have the occasional peaceful song as well. She finds it's improve's her thinking skills tremendously while listening to music. And also the same with her reasoning skill's. She has a habit of lightly humming to some songs as well.
===• Animals // Fantasy
She have a soft spot for any type of animal. Real or not. she love dragons, unicorns and whatnot for fantasy animals. But for real animals her favorite is between Panda's and cat's. But naturally she like them all. They are what make's the world unique. These creatures are filled with wonder. They are each different just like people. Some are evil and mean while others are caring and whatnot. Everyone of them has something different about them. Sure some may look alike... But they're not like the conforming world. They don't follow trends, they're simply born with it. She favor's the cat mostly, since they usually follow her alot, wheather she has some sort of food or not.
==x.x.x______________________{|D i s l i k e ' s|}
===• Immitation // Faker's
Meaning posers, those who are all talk, but can't even put a scratch on people. They are disgraces, if it were her choice she'd rid the world of all of them, but sadly she has not the power to do so, a fair duty of justice. She dislike's those who also imitate others in everything they do. She also hate's people who think the whole world revolves around them selves, and show off something they don't really have. She finds it sickening to know there are many people exactly like that in the world. Snot nosed brat's are the worst, thinking they can own anything, even people, just because they have a bundle of money, and show it off to anyone and everyone.
===• No such thing as perfect
No one is perfect, perhaps Jesus, and god, but no human being is perfect, or has the right to be. Some act perfectly fine, smiling saying "I'm ok", This is merely an act, an act to hide the tormenting, repelling truth. Everybody commits sins, whether it's physically or mentally. There is something wrong with everybody, Everybody keeps their own 'Little dirty secrets" from the hole world, secret's that sicken them, make them want to commit suicide if anybody found out, Everybody has something they dislike about them selves, whether its looks, personality trait's, anything. Everybody can make a mistake, nobody is perfect.
===• Un-Solvable // Impossible
Akane completely dislike's not being able to solve something, when it could be the simplest thing staring her in the face. It happens some time's, she isn't the perfect crime solver, there is no such thing as 'Perfect', But she dislike's it being beaten to something first, she is similar to a child, never wanting to loose, always wanting to be first. Though she can not solve, it, that wouldn't automatically say she'd given up, she'd carry on, day after day, until she's solved it, though the longest time she ever had to solve something with such patients needed was for about three months and two weeks. She was tracking down a serial killer at that time.
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|♥|Ж|♥|{ X x X } _________________ {┨YOU KNOW NOTHiiNG┠}
==x.x.x______________________{|P e r s o n a l i t y|}
===Wondering what goes on in the mind of this girl everyday? Akane, isn't your usual happy go lucky girl who looks for attention, playing, being active as she should at her age. Oh no, no, no, Nothing similar to that at all. Akane almost always has a some what gloomy expression on her face, she is rarely seen smiling, the only one's have seen it is her two loving, but deceased parents. Akane never shows emotions around any people, not even those she trusts, well she actually trust's no one. She keeps her feelings bundled up inside, just waiting to pour out in a big heap. She has been like this for over six years now, was that even possible? well it is isn't it? People often view her as an outsider, a freak possibly, she care's not though, her life does not revolve around her looks, she has no obsessions with boys, are her body.
Akane is a very loyal and trustable human being, she never backs down on her word, no matter what the cost, even if it meant her life being on the line. She only trust's some one she truly knows she can, but only three people exist in this world, who have gained her trust, as she respects them dearly. In some ways, she is a very uncaring character. She care's for no ones well being. She isn't the one to talk a lot, only answering questions, She is rather smart at her age She was almost the second She can be seen sometimes, messing around with her puzzling little objects, or with some sort of riddle, perfecting her skill's of knowledge, and understanding, She dislikes people who underestimate her. She isn't the one who can be easily predicted on her next move. Though she is quiet, she is very good keeping track of her emotions, But she masks them all of the time.
Akane has a bit of a six sense, though she's never told anyone, She can some time's feel the presence of something unknown, She can of course locate it's were a bout's, but never actually be able to see it. She likes to get along with her studies most of the time as she temporarily attends school but only because it is necessary for her search, She keeps to her self most of the time and never really socializes with the people around her. She isn't the one you'd find hanging out with everyone else, she'd usually stayed in her room during her stay in wammys, watching everyone else from the window in her room.
![User Image](https://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g246/Homunculilover0111/ccc.jpg)
|♥|Ж|♥|{ X x X } _________________ {┨BACK iiNTO THE FUTURE┠}
==x.x.x______________________{|B i o g r a p h y|}
===Akane always had a loving and caring family, Back then she was currently living in Britain, they supported her all the way finding that she indeed was a special unique and adoring child. Sadly due to a terribly unfortunate event, when her dad was on his way to work at a company, pretty far from ere he lived, there was a terrible accident, he unfortunately passed away a few days later in hospital, Akane was only small then, but so much knowledge obtained in her head, she grew mad at the Doctor. Usually for someone's age like hers, they wouldn't have a clue what was happening. Akane, no, she knew completely and understood the events happening around her. Her father was gone, how will her family be supported, how will her mother cope without her loving partner. How did She feel loosing someone so precious to her? Speechless, confused, worried, petrified? Of course! Akane was only young and her father was gone already, what ever happened to his full life, some one selfish had to take it away!
Akane's mother soon after fell into depression, She was reluctant to eat, or put anything into her slowly starving body, at this rate, she'd need to also go to the retched hospital, who knew what kind of revolting, disgusting, not to mention life threatening diseases her mother could catch! Her mother was fired from her job, from the lack of showing up. Her family was in desperate need of saving. Until He come along, He made her mother cope, he made her mother well again. He married her, but that thing, that thing marrying her mother, must have been the cruelest being ever to enter this world. He didn't truly love Akane's mother, he used her, for his own uses, he cheated on her every day, her sexually abused her mother, he had no right to enter this family. He didn't belong.
What was so sickening about this, Akane's mother knew, she knew what he was doing, yet she made no attempt to act. She was desperate for some one, some one to love her back, even if it wasn't real. The pure need to feel wanted. One thing she didn't know was, He abused Akane, he literally hurt her physically and mentally scaring her. Her tortured her saying She didn't belong. Akane took no action, it was fully for her mothers benefit, to keep her going, the only thing she cared and loved for in this hole world. But all was lost, Upon coming home, and greeting the house by shouting her mothers name, not his. She heard no answer. Akane new perfectly something was wrong. She saw bloody prints leading towards the master bedroom of her small house. She ran only, to slip from a large puddle of blood, accidentally knocking the door to the bedroom open. Her mother laid on a crimson bed, as she recalled it being white earlier that morning. Her mother was lifeless, similar to her father.
He Killed murdered her mother, her last remaining family. He ran and left with all the money, all those hard savings from the past year. All Gone. A siren was heard out her house moments later, a patrolling officer, coming on the completely wide open front door of the house, of course finding it suspicious. Running in coming across Akane, with blood other her still fallen to the floor, staring wide eyed at the bloody corpse in the bedroom. A young child shouldn't have to go through so much, or view such disturbing images. She felt a light hand press against her eyes, forcing her vision to go blank, she felt her self being lifted and carried out towards the police care. So much pain, so much agony, she passed out in the back of the police car.
Upon waking up, she found her self being driven some were. Asking immediately of her location, she heard she was being driven towards an orphanage, it hit her, no parents, no family. An orphanage, Her eyes widened as she began to cry, the police officer tried to calm her, she had slowly lifted her head upon hearing the killer was caught, justice was served. She stopped crying, a dull expression covered her face, turning her head to look up at the up coming building, which she assumed was the orphanage. Walking in, both her and the police officer was greeted by a fairly old aged man. Who appeared to be the owner of this fine orphanage. Her new home. What she didn't know was this wasn't any other orphanage, Whammys was for special kids, smart kids, she was in that category? She watched the police officer slowly making his exit, as she gasped and held his hand as if worried an indication to not leave her alone, he tried to comfort her , and eventually left. She was left alone in this room with a old man, she had know idea who he was.
He merely smiled to her and explained that she'd might be here for a little while, well more like until she was adopted or could take care of her own well being, She was then given a code name, Strange? Her code name was Hitokugutsu, meaning Human Puppet, he was confused why she had chosen this name but she did not answer. Eventually she was shown around the place, meeting some strange and weird kids, the same as her. How would she adjust to this new life?
About a year later Hitokugutsu was quit acquainted with this orphanage, she only finds four particular people she respects though, as they go by the code names L, Mello, Near, and Matt, she never really spoke to them but acknowledged them, she had contact with them sometimes, only joining Near with his puzzle's or eating candy from the kitchen with L, that was about it, Until L left, a new criminal named Kira did this, he made L leave, He was killing people. Akane clearly respected L, and was willing to help him, but of course she wasn't ready to leave yet. But then Near, Mello and Matt ended up leaving, left along once again. It was her turn to take action, it was her turn to take the lead. Even if it ment her life was on the Line, she'd do it for her parents.
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|♥|Ж|♥|{ X x X } _________________ {┨MY FAMiiLY┠}
==x.x.x______________________{|M o t h e r|}
===M o t h e r
=Mikoto Katsu
=Mikoto is naturally a very caring person, she'll help anyone out, She is very confident, and fear's almost nothing. The only fear she has is being alone, apart from this though, she will do anything without hesitation, like moving to britain and giving up her job, all for james.
=Akane's mother's name was Mikoto, she was originally from Japan, but moving to Britain all for her one and true love, Jame's, She had met him during her way on work, it's funny when you think of 'Love at first sight' Because that was exactly what happened, Mikoto worked as an architect, she earned allot of money from it as well, but she quit the job, moving all the way to London. She made a family with Jame's having Akane a few years later after their marriage. She received a job at a band later on. She was killed later one by her second husband.
==x.x.x______________________{|F a t h e r|}
===F a t h e r
=Mikoto Katsu
=Jame's is a strong willed guy, he belives in his dream to make a lovely family with the girl of his dreams, who he happened to bump into in japan. He is very independant and keeps this family going, he brings the food onto the table. He gets alot of help from his surporting wife as well.
=Jame's was your typical business man, traveling all around the world to made business, until he came upon the love of his live, Mikoto, during his traveling into Japan. He proposed to her later on and offered her to stay with him in Britain, Eventually everything settled down as she agreed to come with him, having his daughter, he felt like a very proud father, he could tell she was special in some way. Later on Jame's passed away in a car crash, severe blows to the heard is what caused his death, the only thing he knew before passing on was feeling his left hand in the grasp of small hands and his right hand in the grasp of his wife's hands.
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|♥|Ж|♥|{ X x X } _________________ {┨SMALL TALK┠}
==x.x.x______________________{|C r u s h|}
==x.x.x______________________{|T h e m e - S o n g s|}
===Yokan // Dir En Grey
==x.x.x______________________{|U s e r n a m e|}
===N e a r Hitokugutsu