First in hornpipe, second in reel, third in treble jig and nothing in slip jig. Jeez, I’m so tired right now. But it’s that kind of tired where you’re just too miserable to fall asleep. So here I am, sitting on the floor of my room, computer overheating in my lap, mascara and eyeliner all over my face due to complete intolerance for makeup. Oh, and I’m watching Holes. Love this movie. Love the characters. Well, the book was cool too, but I don’t really remember it. I just remember sitting in my closet in my Catholic school jumper reading it. Meaning third grade. Yeah, third grade. Man, I want to go to sleep. Don’t want to be awake right now. (Mom is annoying. Yanno, from Holes.) “Do not touch mah shoes…! Insulting the chemistry of smell…!”