Lately I've been posting journals A lot it seems.....Oh well,Good habit I guess.My spelling might get better this way LOL sweatdrop
Anyways,Ummm.....I'm kinda lost right now,a little like a little kid. I wanna hold on to someone for comfort but I know people hate it when I cling. I also wanna talk about some stuff but I can't again because I don;t wanna be clingy or sound like my problems are more important or anything.My friends seem to be having hard weeks for the start of school,I wanna yell so bad at some of them but I love em' and I guess I understand their needs to b***h and stuff because I kinda wanna too.
I started trying to dress a bit girly *Gag* I miss my hoodies and Naruto sweatshirts...I really wanna wear em' because I'm really self consious about my weight. I dunno if I'm heavy or not but I do know that I look diffrent from my other friends that weight like 120 or so. I dunno,I've always been told I needed to lose weight so I never wear just jeans and a T-shirt because I think you can see my stomach,And I know I've built one up recently......I hate myself for it to....I don't even eat a lot....well,To be totally truthful, I don't eat during the day but when People offer me food I get paniced and usually eat really fast and then get sick.
I dunno,I just like my Baggy clothes and Loose Jeans,I know I look bigger in them but I feel more confident and less at the same time.I just wish I could loose it.
Blah, I wonder what I should do for my Project.Another thing buggin' me is all this collage talk. My mom is convenced I'm good enough for an Art school while I think I'm gonna be horrible at everything.Gah! I'm just so pesamistic about myself right now because I feel I should be.I'm nothing special really and Blah Blah Blah! I wish I had someone to rant to,But again I don't wanna bother people.....BLAH!
BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! Why am I crazy O.o''
Oh well,These journals help. I think I would like some milk....Yeppers...Milk sounds good....
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Rosewhips and other happy things
This is a notebook of all my thoughts throughout whenever.I'm an idiot.Now that we've well established that you have can have no whining whatsoever about my Journal or Retardation.
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"Even though the sound of it
is something quite atroscious
If you say it loud enough,
you'll always sound precocious"
is something quite atroscious
If you say it loud enough,
you'll always sound precocious"