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The Constant nagging thoughts that I feel i need to get out on Paper...No matter what they may be.
Filter later Raizyer RP
*Having gotten the keys from the innkeeper Raiyzer carried Marade up the stairs cautiously. The stairs looked to be decaying and each step left with but a hard "creeek". As he approached the door, he noticed the door itself was fine, only dust covered. Grabbing the handle he opened the door to reveal a small bed with tan sheets and a tanned white bedspread, apparently as old as the door.
Ellion Letir says:
He carefully laid Marade onto the bed, dusting off the pillows before gently placing her head upon them. Walking toward the bathing room he noticed it to be the only clean part of the room. Grabbing a wash cloth he damped it slightly with cold water, then approaching Marade, placing it on her forehead* Marade... Can you hear me? Are you feeling alright?
Ellion Letir says:
((DONE)) ^.^
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Groaning lightly her eyes opend slowly, blinking a few times before she looked at the room around her, It smelled of age old dust and filled her with a eerie nostalgic thought. "Where....am I?" she spoke slowly feeling the room sill spinning as she went to sit up*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
It seems were in an old time town.. I didnt have time to get the name.. But i had to get you to a bed. *Leaning against the wall at this time, he rubbed his chin lost in semi deep thought. The situation was problematic. Going over how they were chased out and attacked in his mind, he can't understand how it could have been done. He'd let his back slide down the wall until he was sitting, and
Ellion Letir says:
would lay his hand against his forehead.* I...ve never been so confused... even Im not sure whats going on.. what the hell were those things..what were there motives.. Were they after me..or you.. or just us..*His stomach disgruntled and his face still holding the expression of confusion.* ...I've encountered many beasts..many men.. But I havent seen nothing like that before.... *With a quick
Ellion Letir says:
chill as if the damned had peirced through his soul, he thought of the possiblity of them being demons or possibly genetically bred monsters*
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
....wha-what do you mean us...it was clearly you....they where in your room wating for you!.....*Feeling her head throbing and her gut sickining more she slid her feet over the side of the bed leaning hunched over as she went to stand**
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
*Shaking the demonic thoughts from his mind for the moment he stood up* The reason I said us, is because .............*giving a quick smirk* I know im not the only one with special talents....even if you are just a thief
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Looking at him crossly, what do you mean.....I have nothing special! Im from a cured family i never knew!(
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:

Ellion Letir says:
*Again with his more manliesh smirk* (She...has no idea...does she..Marade..) ..... Nevermind.. we'll discuss it at a better time. For now *he'd shuffle over to her removing the rag and examine her forehead* Are you sure your feeling alright?
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Not really.....no, i think its the alcohol....* Looking up into his eyes as she felt her cheek heat up slightly, She had never been this close to a man before. And to be staying in a single room with one was nuts! marade places a curious hand over her cool wet forehead of cousre she looked away before he could take notice that she was getting all bashful pink like from his apparent concern**
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
*He'd sit beside her lightly on the other side of the bed, laying down but only to help him regain thought* Marade....I have a bad feeling were going to need reinforcements......people as high ranked as I am..... I know a few.....how about you *He'd look over now wearing his boyish mask*

Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Like i know any soldier....everyone i knew died in that city that was plagued of back in the town i lived in.....
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
I know no one!
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Looking him over with a frustrated face**

Ellion Letir says:
*He'd let off yet another of his boyish smiles and give her slight kiss on the cheek* I guess you wouldnt know anyone then *He'd stare up toward the ceiling again lost in deep thought* ......looks like your finally gonna get to pay me back that favor El......
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Sitting there....deep in though she was begining to reflect on her actions as a coward the last couple of days* ....uuuhh......Could i be thought ...to fight?
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
She had always wnated to fight....to be like a great warrior or something. Looking all beautiful in armor and wilding a brilliant sword*

Ellion Letir says:
Hmm *He'd turn his head toward her.. his staring into her eyes* I guess thats up to you hun... Though I think....with the two people I have in mind...you may not have to.

Ellion Letir says:
*Sitting up, he'd take off his tanned dragonic scale cloak, tossing it to the side. Slipping off his shoes he placed them under the bed. He'd begin undoing the buttons to his vest, unlatching the three at the top and two in back. Once it hit the ground he through off his tunic above his head leaving his chest bare, showing his build, revealing two scars one gashed into his shoulder, the other
Ellion Letir says:
across the left of his chest* ..I guess we should try to get some sleep.....
Ellion Letir says:
Maybe this time....we'll actually get some.....
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Swallowing hard she gave a half glance over to him and then a nod* R-right....*Squinching up to the corner of the bed Marade layed back donw on the tatterd sheets of the old wooden bed. Sighing lightly as she stared off into space she began to daydream about becoming a great warrior of somekind. Someone that doesnt take crap from no one! Smiling as she closed her eyes she spoke out to him...

Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Hey....Rai...you thing ill make a good Knight?
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
*She asked questioningly*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
*Still trying to unlock the metallic latches locks on his leggings* Maybe... .. If you want to try for it... I could teach you a few things or two...
Ellion Letir says:
*Finally unlatching his leggings he threw them to the ground, it leaving with a great thud* ..man....those things are heavy!....*sighs as he lays back down, now in nothing but a dark blue silk pair of boxers* but itll be tough.... *He'd close his eyes to rest them for a moment*
Ellion Letir says:
Ellion Letir says:
((uh >.< btw.....are you available again sometime this month... ima try to get it darker *rubs his head* Its not that i cant do it i just work myself so nervous that i get sick thinkin I could mess up))
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Looking back over her shoulder"really!!! .....GAH OO" She shrunk back curing up more looking back over at the wall as her cheek went pink again*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Uuuhhh....That would be great......^^
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
*Glancing over at her concerned* Your cheeks are getting really light.. do you have a fever *He'd lean over to check her head again*
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
....Shrinking a little more she exclaimed* y-yea...I think it is! *Passing off a fake cough to hopefull fool hims to get off her case before she was truely embarrased**
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
*Cleverly conceiling his wit, he removed his fersaud ((how...spelt dunno)) Is this the first time you've shared a bit with a man marade?

Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
.....*she refused to answer that for fear of incriminating herself* .......
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
She just stared blanktly at the wall**

Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
*He'd lay his hand on his forehead realizing he did over do it* I'm sorry Marade.... I spoke out of line. Thats your own business, turning facing the other wall.*
Ellion Letir says:
*thinking about his next moves, he began to plan out their next trip to recruit an old warbuddy. He muttered the words from his lips "Ellion" and then shook his head* .....here...we go..again *he finished as bit by bit he began to knod off
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
holding onto her knees as she lay there nestled quietly as she began to slip off into a dream. Her body fell limp with her deepening slumber**

Ellion Letir says:
*Having finally been able to recieve the sleep they had well earned, Raiyzer had awoken before Marade, in time to see the sunrise as it appeared. He walked over toward the half broken window, awed by his gaze. Scenery like this was rare around these parts of the world.* ..It's amazing....
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Marade was spralled out over the bed sleeping too deeply to be awakend. Only her tine slip coverd youthful clean frame. Only a visible scares where seen along her shins and chest region. She was mumbling in her sleep and speaking of her papa. "......Die....old man.....ummmmm Mmmm....."
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
*Hearing the murmur come from his mouth he turned quickly with discern* what did she say.......(old memories probably.....as a thief...im sure shes probably had to kill...at some point...) *He'd let off a sigh as he approached her. *nudging her side with his palm* It's time to wake up Marade . *giving another kiss to her cheek*
Ellion Letir says:
*Looking toward the window again* I just hope the other cities are alright.. (Ell...Oki... you better be alive guys...)....
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Her eyes slowly open, glancing up blankly but with a pleasent look on her face." mmmmmoooohhh I slept ssooo...." Sees Raiyz face near her and screams* "EaaaaaaaHHHHH!!!!"
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Giving him a hefty upper cut to the jaw(
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
*The upper cut forced him backwards, causing him to fall out over through the window in a daze. Recovering quickly he grabbed onto the ledge and pulled himself upward. Looking inward through the window, again smiling* ..... If you can do that again...then you just might be able to become a real warrior..
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
OO" *Gaspsing she lept up and ran over to him*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
OMG!! Im so sorry!!!
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
*What she didnt realize is that her cute little slip fall from her narrow slender shoulders*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Are you OK!!!!????
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
*pulling himself through the window he replied, "Im just fine.. dont worry, itll take alot more than that to hurt me *He said smiling as he turned to look at her. His eyes opened wider, and he had begun to get a little pink in the face himself. Pointing it out for her* M..Marade.......your....your slip..its.....
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
*He didnt even need to finish that as she felt a draft from the window blow over her well exposed right breast. Her face went blank then red. She clammerd around fumbling for her strap and just as it couldnt get anyworse the Inn keep barges in seeing Raiyzer through the window and her trying to get her slip back on.....Not very god looking from his stand point* What are you doing young man!!!" ...
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
The Innkeep yelled at him angerly and he too Marade by the arm**
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
as, and Took ))
Ellion Letir says:
*Grabbing his blade by instinct he jumped at the innkeeper, his blades point toward his neck.* Let go of her arm...before I kill you * Raiyzers eyes glared with ferocity unlike his usual calm behavior*
Ellion Letir says:
*Trying to regain atleast some composure* Our business is our business.. I tripped and fell out the window..she was seeing if I was ok.....I already payed you, Id suggest you just let go of her and go back to your duties
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
The old man was rattled and broken rather quickly . He released her and backed out the door" I was mearly concerned for the litle one.....I...don't like for girls to be taken advantage of in my Inn...." He lowerd his head and backed out slowly. Leaving them and quickly as he came. Marade's head was hung low she was stuned at his actions towards the Innkeep over her well being. She solemnly took..
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
her strap fixed it and backed into a corner*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
*He sat down upon the bed again lifting his right hand to his forehead. Letting out a hard sigh* Im sorry ...... I'll apologize to him later.. I just thought that.....when he grabbed your arm.. I .......
Ellion Letir says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
You what!? thought he was going to Kill me!! A lonely little Innkeeper!
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
*She was to scared she could barely stand at this point*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
*Shaking rather a bit, throwing his hand to his side, giving her an unassured look* He could have.. could have........*shedding slight tears as he falls to he knees...resting his hands upon his thighs * I dont know alright....... I just dont want to lose you again.......
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Her month fell open* Lose me.....You barely know me Raiy.....you knew the child me...that's not who i am today! .....*Thinking so deeply that she is too defencelessto even make a mild warrior beleive she could hold her own. She felt almost crushed that he was worried that a mear Innkeep could harm her. She hit him really hard for god sakes She could do it again....if the time called for it....
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
and she felt her life was in danger....She really could ....i guess....
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
.................Did...you ever...wonder about those pictures.....you saw on my walls.....
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
(( hee hee yeah was trying to set it up for mini serious convo))
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
...Pictures....you mean the ones with your Dad and them....In your house?...*Past a puzzeling look at him for a brief moment*
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
......I know..you saw them... I watched you glance over....the one with my dad..was one..but also the ones with so many different girls..
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
looked at the floor then.*
Ellion Letir says:
I was adopted by them. Every person.....in those pictures... was a family member. of each of them dead.....*he'd begin trembling* Even with my abilities...because I let my guard down..all of them.... all....of them....were slaughtered....right before me....*flashing back* . I may not know you..like I used to but.. I.....your...your all I have left.........
Ellion Letir says:
It was only.. three years ago.....I had just became Grand general......*his eyes still wide open...tears constantly flowing* I thought it was just a peasant... I even payed him for his services as he helped me keep the place clean.......He waited....waited for our reunion.....showed himself.....me and my father...we held him down well....but...he had already mass murdered the room using placed
Ellion Letir says:
trap lasers....We were with him the whoile time
Ellion Letir says:
not even my father recognized the traps....
Ellion Letir says:
.......*sighs* ...Ever since then..Ive..become...very protective...
Ellion Letir says:
*Wiping the tears from his face his eyes turned cold * If i keep dragging you along...Ill get you into nothing but more trouble *He quickly equipped his gear and blades, approaching the door swiftly, he threw all of the gold he had with him onto the old bed* ....I'm sorry for troubling you marade* He said as he walked out of the room*

Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Looking down at the gold like it was some lame parting gift she had started crying herself feeling his pain and the suffering, Killing her only known living relative was the hardest thing she had to do but in some way it braught her pleasure as she remembers how that felt , how she felt at the blood of her own father spilled onto her cold hands, how she smiled as she took the daggers and sil....
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Silenced his screaming with its icy metal she became horrified at the mear thought of doing that again. She did enjoy that and wanted to hold onto anything that would keep her sane. Even if ment endangering her own life to be with them! Marade ran to the door and yelled at him"DOn't leave me here!!! DOn't Make me go back to being that cold killer!!! It's Not me and i Don't want you to be the was i
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
to be the one that i feed into that dark lust with!!!!!

Ellion Letir says:
*Stopping in his tracks he....stood there, appauled.... stunned..and confused. He rested his head against the nearest wall his hands behind his head*
Ellion Letir says:
..........What... do you mean cold killer *He looked at her in small fear of her answer*

Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
I can't talk about it....the urge to do what i feel it wrong pains me sometimes.....
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
But....I feel that if...i act incapable ....Ill be incapable...and you know ....in some instances it works.....I really feel like a normal girl!!! Like a silly little market thief looking for her next meal!!
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
But i know....that i can't be good unless Good influences my soul! .....That old man had it comming.....aswell as the rest....
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
I felt that i ....had to....
Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
*Stairs at the floor unable to believe she just said all this as he was about to leave her to her thoughts and live out her life doing what she would continued doing until she took him out*

Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
Ellion Letir says:
Ellion Letir says:
I wont lie... *looking away* Im not sure what to say about all of that.... im not even sure what im feeling...
Ellion Letir says:
But... if...you really do wish to continue with me...then...I would be glad...to have you....

Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
her face lightend up, as though a heavy burden from her soul has been lifted. It was too painful for her to hide any longer. She wasnt killed for what she did. Nor scrutinise for what had happend. It was easier to love with.. Smiling brightly she ran down the hall. She wasnt expecting it to be gone just accepted. Marade truely felt that what she did was acceptable behavior. though it was punishable by death in some areas.**

Ellion Letir says:
*Letting out his hand for her once again*Shall we? *His smiles returning to their normal charm* ...*with a bit of soft laughter* ..I guess...we finally got..to catch up a bit...after all...

Stop reading my name thingy >< says:
The though stayed in the back of her mind as she reached out for his hand and grasped it lightly ((Ill start sharing with you her twisted side if your like**
Ellion Letir says:
*The two left the village that day, having learned more about each other, as they would more and more as time goes by. Young Raiyzer and Marade were currently on route toward Virinia, to recruit an old friend.*
*Young Raiyzer and Marade reached Virinia shortly after there leave from that mystery village. It seemed to be but a short miles away. Upon nearing the gate, even Raiyzer had to take a moment to breath it all in. It was the best fortified city built here. Not even one monster could be seen along its walls*

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon May 23, 2005 @ 05:29pm

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