These are the ones I made for myself! They're my Itty Bitty Foxies!

X'ain is named after the roleplay character of a really amazing person I used to play with. The character he's named after is called X'an, but his design is completely random. Talis is meant to look creepy, and he's named after a character from the webcomic Sublunary.

And this is my lovely new Foxie, Algonquin. He was made in honour of my camping trip to Algonquin park, where last year I went wolf howling without sucess, and this year I plan to try again. Maybe this little fella' will act as my good luck charm. ^_^ Not to mention he's awfully handsome, don't you think? (Edit: In case you were wondering, we did in fact get a response that trip from the wild wolves. It was utterly thrilling!)

Here's my darling little Yuushi, the test pilot for the new line of "toddler" form outlines. Not only that, but he's the one and only son of Talis! His name also comes from the webcomic Sublunary. Oh, and his mother is Ariax, generously loaned for breeding by Shivaani. Now, little Yuushi here absolutely adores his father; he thinks the world of him. But to Talis, he's just a bothersome little rat that has to be fed and watched. Poor Yuuuuuushi. *cuddles the adorable little foxie*
More Pets!
These are the pets that other people made for me. So far I only have seven, two that I came by through pet trades, two that I bought, and three that were gifts, because I'm too much of a cheapskate to buy my own. Although that's not to say there aren't some pets out there I'd die to get my hands on.

Kovu! <3 I can't wait for him to hatch.

Here's my adorable, fluffy-wuffy Hee-chan! This one is based off of Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing. If you can figure out what this kitty has to do with Heero, you probably read the same sort of fanfiction as I do. *snigger* He's my little Prussian Kitty! *snugs him happily* He's also the first pet I ever willingly forked over gold for. The lineart is simply lovely, and the colouring is so smoooth and preeeeetty. Waaiii, I have my Heero. Now I need a pet based on Duo to go with him. &.&

This is Virus. He's kewl. Not much more to say. xd

Here's Random, a lovely gift from Chamain. Thank you! I simply love his spots. I have to say, I was so surprised to get a pet as a present! I'm going to have to do some fan art of him later.

This guy here is Salem, a Wolve I received as an early birthday present from Shivaani. His name popped into my head, and is pretty much stolen from the amazingly evil kitty in Sabrina the Teenage Witch. My Salem, however, is very withdrawn and has trouble making friends and meeting new Wolvez, but is very proud of his abilities and loves to be praised. Unfortunately, because he's so afraid of negative feedback, this means he doesn't show off his powers unless he totally trusts the Wolvez around him. Which isn't easy for him.

Here's my awesome little Zephyr. He was a gift from Sharksmoon, a dear friend of mine from real life. Visit her shop!!

This is my purty little Kovu! Got him through a pet trade with KaliFang! &3
The OMG I WANT ONE Wishlist!
Island of Dr. Moreau [x]
Shaoilin Woods [x]
Shadows of Africa [x]
Realm of Kitsusagi[x]
Numa Numa Land [x]
Menyhert [x]
More to come...
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