Green! You are very smart and you love to go places and buy stuff!
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Black is a fit for you,Dont get your hopes down about this color if your thinking about it.
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Your Element is Death.Since your death, You have all the qualities that not everyone finds freindly. Your a Sore loser, and hate to be pushed around. You dont like to be toyed with. and when you are you can be vary mean.
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Ouran Highschool Host Club Opening!
You beleive in love and you have no doubts you have a great future ahead of you and I wish you all the luck with you love.
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You're the Anti-hero!!! You're usually brooding over you're past or in some cases, you're present situation. If you do somthing it comes with a price, or you're made to do it. some people think you're a big jerk, but they don't understand you have issues. You realy are a true hero, Whether you believe it or not. Auron: It's your choice... Tidus: You say it's my choice, but it's not is it!!! I Have to go with you! I have to!....You're the only one who can tell me what's going on anyways!!!
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You are Horror! You enjoy the thought of people dying painful, horrible, gruesome deaths. While most people would scream or faint at what you find pleasure in, you just laaaaugh and laaaugh and laugh.You're most compatible with Tragedy and Mystery. One big happy family. =3Stay away from Comedy and Romance/Drama. Ew, who's ever heard of a romantic horror?
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