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See the tofu on the sun.
I got you!
Everything you needed to know about me.
1.Your gender: Girl.
2.Straight/gay/bi?: I dunno. I'm guessin' straight, since men are so shmexy.
3.Your birth day: ...None of your business. But it's the 9th. Of August. The day Nagasaki was bombed D:
4.Your height: Too short.
6.The color of your eyes: Brown, but they change red sometimes.
7.Happy with it: Wish they'd stay red >_>;
8.The color of your hair: Also brown. I'd also like it red <_<;
9.Happy with it?: Red. Colour of hair. Last day of school 8'3
10.Left/right/ambidextrous?: Ambidextrous, fool. But I use my right hand the most.
11.Your living arrangement?: :X My house.
12.Your family: Old. Crazy. Japanese/Hawaiian. What is there to say?
13.What's your job: Artist for hire. *hinthintwinknudge*
14.Piercings?: D: I don't want any, actually.
15.Tattoos?: No. And prolly not ever.
16.Obsessions?: ....Red. And drawing. Drawing red things! biggrin DD

17.Do you live in the moment?: ...Nope.
18.Do you have any secrets?: Doesn't everyone.
19.Do you hate yourself?: I believe I can be improved.
20.Do you like your handwriting?: I like cursive. So sure.
21.What is the compliment you get most from people?: pz0nG?!? Yuu kan Duraw?!1
22.If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: This person should be killed right now. ;__;
23.What's your biggest fear?: The dark...Clowns... gonk P0ng!
24.Can you sing: I'm in the choir. So sure.
25.Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: I've done it to look stupid. I wonder if that counts?
26.Are you a loner?: Yes. I prefer being by myself. I don't like being bothered. >_<;
27.If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: I prolly'd be my worst enemy, to be honest :X
28.Are you a daredevil?: No. I'ma good girl surprised
29.Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: My eyes. So big. ARGH?!?!?
30.There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: Love. I love my creativity, but I'd think I'd give it all up to be loved 83 [/gussyness]
31.How do you vent?: With an air conditioner.
32.Do you think you are emotionally strong?: I wish. D:
33.Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: I wish I wasn't hated by everyone ;__;
34.Do you think life has been good so far?: ...Well, I haven't killed myself, so sure...
35.Are you confident?: Independent, but not confident.
36.What is the fictional character you're most like?: I dunno.

37.Smoke?: Only losers do. Extremely hot losers :3
38.Do drugs?: Drugs are for n00bs.
39.Talk to strangers who IM you?: It'd be impolite not to.
41.Dance in the rain?: If no one's watching >_>;
42.Talk to people even though you hate them?: Yes, but I wish I didn't have to.
43.Drive?: That'd be awsome, but illegal.

44.Liked your voice?: I don't know what it sounds like.
45.Been in love?: Depends.
Done drugs?: Drugs are for n00bs. No.
48.Gone skinny dipping?: I hope not.
49.Had a surgery?: Not to my knowledge, but maybe I did when I was little.
50.Ran away from home?: Wanted to. But no. Not yet.
51.Played strip poker : With who, my sister? [/sarcasm]
52.Gotten beaten up?: Don't think so. I can fight back when needed.
53.Been picked on?: Yes. But it was taken care of.
54.Been on stage?: Yes. All the time.
55.Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath?: Uh. No.
56.Sept outdoors?: What's sept?
57.Thought about suicide?: Yes.
58.Pulled an all-nighter?: I do that all the time :X Sometimes.
59.Talked on the phone all night?: Nope. I have no one to talked to.
60.Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: You've lost me.
61.Slept all day?: For a full 24 hours? Yes, once.
62.Killed someone?: Not yet :C
63.Made out with a stranger?: Ugh.
64.Sex with a stranger?: Ugh. Again.
65.Thought you're going crazy?: I think I already have.
66.Kissed the same sex?: My sister. My mother. So I guess yes.
67.Done anything sexual with the same sex?: I really hope not.
68.Broken the law?: Yeah. I crossed the street when it said Don't Walk ONG!?!/1/
69.Met a famous person?: Where I live? Yeah, right.
70.Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: Yep. But it was an accident. :CCCC
71.Stolen anything?: Not to your knowledge *shiftyeyes*
72.Been on radio/TV.?: Maybe. I don't know.
73.Been in a mosh pit?: Nope.

CLOTHES and other fashion
74.Shoe brand?: I don't really care. I've had the same shoes for 3 years.
75.Brand of clothing?: Clothes that fit. I guess.
76.Cologne/perfume?: A nice-smelling one?
77.What are you normally wearing to school/work?: Normal clothes mad
78.Wear hats?: If my sister made them.
79.Wear make-up?: I'm beautiful as is ;D
80.Favorite article of clothing?: My big comfy sweater ;O
81.Are you trendy?: Yes. Oh so much.
82.Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: I would love to wear fuku. That'd be great.

83.Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: Should I be frightened? :C
84.Do you remember your first love?: Yes. I think.
85.What do you look for in a guy?: ...Organs? I dunno...
87.Do you base your judgment on looks alone: No. Who does?
88.Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?:I don't date D:
89.Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: I don't know! Really! D: 90.What is best about the opposite sex?: They're guys. That's good enough.

91.That you laughed at?: I dunno. Matt. Alde. I don't remember.
92.That laughed at you?: Probably Matt. Or Alde xD
93.You went shopping with?: My family :X
94. Saw a movie with?: I don't even remember what the last movie I saw was.
95.You talked to on the phone?: Kate. Just 10 minutes ago.
96.You talked to through IM?: Skittlez.
97. Saw?: My sister. Right before she left.
98.You lost?: ...My tie X3
99.You wanted to be?: PONG BRITANY SPEErZ!
100.You told off?: Scott. The b*****d.
101.You trusted?: Amanda. Because she promised to give me her words. And she did ;DDD

102.Laughed?: When me and my sister danced. So fun.
104.Bought something?: ....Wanna know what? I can't say.
105.Danced?: An hour or two ago.
106.Were sarcastic?: Like this whole entire test. x3
107. Hugged someone?: I hugged Matt a few hours ago.
108.Talked to an ex?: Never had one..
109.Talked on the phone?: Today. Like 15 minutes ago.
110.Listened to the radio?: Oh, it's been QUITE a while since I listened to that thing. 111.Watched TV?: Not too long ago. History channel rox :O
112.Sang?: Today. I'm listening to Dir En Grey, so yeah.
113.Saw a movie in a theater?: Months. Even maybe a year.
114.Said "I love you"?: Today, actually.
115.Missed someone?: Always. :C
116.Had sex?: PONGNEVAR111

User Comments: [4] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jun 11, 2005 @ 04:53am
Dude I just read all those. Guys think you are good looking and I don't hate and neither does Katie.

commentCommented on: Sun Jul 03, 2005 @ 10:35pm
What guys? What haven't you been telling me? ToT

I wanna do this test again xD

Insane Shydoh
Community Member
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commentCommented on: Wed Jul 13, 2005 @ 06:21am
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Those ones....you know.

Doesn't matter they aren't Asian or Chris.

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 20, 2005 @ 02:02am
But I don't know! D:

And I don't just like Japanese guys. British guys are hawt too.

And I don't like Chris! Not the girl or the guy! At least, not in that way, ya sicko. :[

Insane Shydoh
Community Member
User Comments: [4] [add]
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