life is so easy that it some time doesn't even seem reall to me... thats y ppl wonder y i have so much free time on my hands.
to me life is kinda like a game, u make friends u lose friends and u make new ones, so its easy to make friends but r they really ur friends or do they just feel sorry for about something or is that they r just borad at the time and they just look for someone to talk to and u take it the wirng way and become friends with them not knowing that there only using u just to talk to because all there other friends r busy with something else or they went some where.
so the ppl u call friends r they really ur friend or r they just using u for something? neutral
also if u go out with some in highschool r u two going to be with each other for ever or just for a year or just for highschool then at the end of highschool u two brack up. so when ppl go out its just a game when someone says that i love u do they really mean it becaue if they did wonted they stay with u forever and wonted u stay with them forever. No u two go ur other ways then in a couple of years ur two might see each other and one of u r single but the other one isn't so u where hoping to get back together untill u heard that she/he got marryed... so what is love is it a game that u play in till u feel like geting marry or is it something else...
now lets talk about heaven and hell.(if u r someone who doesn't believe in this then inorg this)
its some times hard to believe if the is a heaven becauase there is so little clues i mean how can we really believe if the is a god if he doesn't talk to use and if he doesn't show use his face in owr dreams or something the only thing we have to tell use is the holy bible. but theres is even a bible for the devil and the devil even has a chorch we all believe in deamons because they attack some of use but some of use work beside them. but with angels its really rare to ever see one they only time we might ever see one is when we have a close call to death or when we die. oh the only way for us to fight demons is if we us word that we learnd from the bible so we have to fight for owr selfs no help form anyone. it kinda of reaminds u of this world were on right now huh... that we have to some times that have to fight for owr selfs with no back up or anything.
well i'm done with that part sweatdrop
oh the goverment. the goverment is ******** up, the reason i say that is because 911 it wasn't no damn terrest attack the ******** goverment set it up and if u seen the video about it aready cool but if not there were bombs going off be for the smoke even got to the floor and wouldn't the building have falled side ways the down words if it was hit from the side. oh there were one more building that was deastored so there were 3 building that were deastored the third building had to go down because there was a small room just one small room that was cought on fire and they couldn't take care of it. And there really r alins out there in space the goverment is covering it up say its a life there is a video show it(just to be clear its an old video and it was shoot in outer space and u see these thing flying all over the place)so what else is the goverment is hinding form use.and if u don't believe me how did we get the psp, xbox, and the wii what else can creat something this complex.
if u read this hole thing thank u but if u just read half of it or just the beging still thanks for at lest reading it biggrin
We let life and our emotion controls us, but I say to you, do not let such things dictate your life, take control of you emotion and over your life. Realize that there are people out there who can help you. And some things that you are facing aren't really that big, and could actually be considerably small. Be Strong and Courageous for you are worthy.
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