Total Value: 672,697 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Angelic Pendant (Glow)
Gift of the Goddess
HIPster Red Tint Shades
Raptor Ice Horns
Flashion Blue Skirt
Grecian Shorts Blue
Neo Punk Sock
Sky Hiking Shoes
Neo Gloves
Neo Ribbon
Missy Emerald Ribbon
Neo Tube Top
Flame Sword
Pale Blue Scarf

Total Value: 707,150 Gold, 10,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Angelic Pendant (Glow)
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Gold Mountain Red Vest And Shirt
Lex's White Gloves
Lex's White Shorts
White Stockings
KoNfuZeD ReD SHoEz
Spirited 2k6 Candy Cane
Bouncy Antennae
Red Leather Belt
RED RAGE! Bottled Cooler
Labu Necklace
for this oen the belt was supose to show :'[

Total Value: 815,587 Gold, 26,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Blue Fish Eyes
Elegant Lord's Mask (Black Falcon)
Parrot's Beak
Lunar Cloak
Angelic Pendant (Glow)
#E8E629 Complex Band
Drop Dead Gorgeous Onyx Skull Hairpin
Blue Scott Hat
Icy Snug Balloon Skirt
Lex's Blue Top
Large Gold Buckle Belt
Leather Punk Sock
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Jenny's Secretive Clamshell Purse
Parisian Blue Fan
Icemist Dragon Slippers
The Mole
Ancient Katana
Flower Wrist Band
Gray Peasant Gloves
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Demonic Anklets

Item List:
Angelic Microphone
Angelic Pendant
Blue Classroom Sneakers
Blue Torque Shades
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Fitted White Shorts - grey trim
Gold Hoop Earrings
Gold Pocket Watch
Jenny's Sentimental Clamshell Purse
Lex's White Gloves
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Staff of the Angels
Striped Blue Polo
Winged Anklets
Estimated Total: 1,331,956 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 04 May 2007)

Total Value: 2,766,149 Gold, 112,000 Tickets
After Exclusions: 374,677 Gold, 112,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Fresh Grass Skirt
Lunar Cowl
Fuzzy Penguin Slippers
Horns of the Demon stressed
Green BeretAquatica
4 Leaf Clover Pin
Green Heart Face Tattoo
Green Skull & Bones Arm Tattoo
Angelic Pendant (Glow)
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Dark Halo
Demonic Anklets
Icy Snug Lacy Leggings
Romani Glasses
Royal Scepter Onyx
The Mole
Were Tail
Black Rose Band
Card Shark Bands