ok then lets go
trevor-i will come to
kazu-me too
*we look up and see snow falling*::i am wearing this::

*we reachthe grave sights and you see it's the same hill i was at before and singing. You see all the captain's and my friends.
* i look around* so how about we all pay our respects k
all right *we walk up and i hug everoyne and thank them for coming here* I'm glad you all could come here and be with me, it means alot.
we all want to help u through it ok*smiles*
*smiles through my tears* thank you. *I give everyone a rose and they place it on which ever grave they want to.* Thanky ou all fot coming. * look at the snow as it falls and another tear rolls down my face* It was snowwing when my faimly died and sukaru too. I wanted to thank you all for coming today. This proves how much you all really care for me, for that, i thank you. *we all start to walk away and i hug my friends before i go off on my own*
Matsumoto-she does this every year. SHe oges off intot he forest and sulks.
Renji-yeah, this is also the same time of year as that curse was placed on her.
then why do u let her go off on her own?! why don't u stop her or go with her!? she isn't the only one that has a curse*it starts to get pitch dark and rains and i turn into this* um i can explain but not now*i go after u*

Matsumoto- she must hurry before she dissapears.
Renji-yes, she's the only one who doesn't know that okami's soul should be at rest.
Hana-chan- WHAT?! We have to stop her? *he goes after you along with the rest of my friends following him and you. Uou reach a clearing and you see me, i look like this

Voice: Where ahve you been Okami? It;s time to relieve the curse and then leave this place. *you hide behind a tree and you see yoruichi appear from behind a tree and walk over to me*
Yes mis yoruichi. *i glow a blue light and slowly start to fade form my feet and i slowly become traslucent Likea ghost. I open my eyes and they look souless and free of pain*
Aw, now my soul can rest in peace. I will soon be with my real faimly. Will you please tell aya, and all my friends and husband i've had a wonderful life with them.
*i come out from behind the tree in the bunny form*
no u can't go i won't let u!u can't just leave me i just got back and i won't leave u again *i run after u and start to cry* nooo! don't leave!

if u leave were am i suppost to go?!*i get up to u and stare at u*

*i stare at you and smile as tears come to my eyes but there's still that deadly souless calm tot hem* I-i have to go aya, it's part of the deal I made with miss. yoruichi. *i stare at yoruichi and she nods her head in agreement*
yoruichci- sigh, if you want, i can make the deal last another 5 years.
NO DEALS! U LET HER GO FREE! and if u have to take me instead of her she has a family to think of i don't have that i can leave and it would be just fine please don't take her away!
*yoruichi stares at you adn then looks at me*-is this what you want okami? YOu know i can't reverse it after this and you'll become a real shingami again and you can live with your faimly.
I-i don't know. Do you really want to go throgh with this aya? Right after you just got back.
*i look at u and smile* yes i do i want to help u and everyone was fine with u before so they will be fine with u now i leave kazu and trevor in ur care*i look back at everyone* well i guess it is goodbye then

*i smile and float over to you* t-thank you for doing this for me. I'll tale good care of kazu and trevor while your gone. *i lean in and wisper in your ear* Jut in case you didn't figure it out, kira has liked you ever since he met you aya. *i lean back and smile agian and hug you* good bye.
yea its goodbye*i wave to the others and hug u one more time* so now i am ready
*yoruichi holds her hands in a parying position and you suddenly feel light headed. You feel your energy getting drained from you and i slowly become whole and not trasparent any more. YOur body falls to the gorudna nd you lok downa dn see your in spirit form. i look at you with tears in my eyes adn kneel beside my body*
Good bye Ayaka Nakago, i'll miss you. *i hug your body and you float above me adn hgu me fomr behind* Will you miss me aya?
* i whisper in ur ear* i will be with u always*i start to disapear* its time to go now*then i blow up and disapear*
*i stare at the spot and one of the butterfly's land on mt finger.* Good bye Aya. *i stnad upa dn carry your body bridal style over to everyone else. I lay you down on the ground and colapse next to you*
Why? Why didn't you just let me go instead of you?! DAMN IT! it wasn't suppose to happen!
Matsumoto: W-what just happened? *i look at her and explain to everyone what happened and how you gave your life for mine*
She's was a stupid friend. A best and true friend but a dumb one. Don't you knwo we'll all miss you idiot.
*a whole lot of butterflys circle u*its fine*one lands on ur nose*

*i stand up with the butterflys circling around me and my hair covers my eyes

Kazu: W-what happened t-to her?!
S-she gave hre life so i could live. *i set your body down when i look up i'm met with a fist form trevor.*
Trevor-why? Why did she give her life for a worthless piece of trash like you?!
Kazu-Trevor, you-you don't mean that?
* u all here a little voice* no stop it don't hurt her*i fly in trevors face*::i look like this::

*Trevor looks at you and doesn't knwo who you are. He reaches up and flings you. You go wizing through the air and ito matsumoto's boobs of death*
*i fall to the ground on my face then turn into a bigger versoin of the pixie* owwie my face*i just lay there injured*
trevor- Oh my god, aya is that you? *Kazu runs and helps you up*
Kazu-this must bo you other form right?
Matsumoto-We thought you were dead.
She was but this i her other form. This is her ture spirit's true form.
yep it is*rubs face* owwie u got a heck of a flick there trevor*i glare at him*
*i laugh and the you stnad up. I walk oer to trevor and wap him upside the back of his head like i do you.* I'm glad you can stay with us, even if you are a spirit.
heehe*i look at my wings* so i have wings wow they look coolio!* i stare at everyone um hiya*waves slightly*
*renji stares at you and freaks out. He points a finger a you and shouts*
Kira- yeah,i would like to know that my self.
um?.....*feels body* i don't know why i am still here but i'm not complaining*i look at renji* u can stop staring now u know.
renji-oh *stops stairing and starts to walk away*
Renji-I-i gotta go and do something.
Kira-yeah, we all gotta go back to out duties.
Matsumoto- Bye aya, it's good to have you back.
well that was awkward*stares at wings* so do these have to stay all the time?
*i stare and laugh again. I follow them and you fly after us.* I gotta go and do the one thing i hate most of all! PAPERWorK!
heehe*i fly away* weeee this is fun*i go to far and loose u guys*
*I keep walking and don't relize your gone. I reach my office and flop down on my couch* KIRA! *hw comes into my office and i stare at him sleeply*
Can you do my paperwork?!
Kira-why should i?
*whines* Because!
Kira-no, i ain't doing it.
Bur KIRA! please?!
Kira-sigh, fine.
i wonder were i am*looks around* hope no one see's me up here flying they will probably think i am weird
*It's been an hour and i'm still asleep. I get cold water splashed on me and i wake up. I look adn see renji rolling on the the ground laughing his a** off.*
RENJI! *i pull out my sword and start to chase him all over soul society*
Renji- Come on Okami, it was just a joke. *I havea pissed off look and i kepp chaising him with the intent to kill. You heard running and look down and see a blur of red get chased aorund by a black haired blur.*
* i notice its u guys and wave* HEY GUYS OVER HERE *i am still up in the air flying*