Hell Yeah, today The Great Khali was crowned The World Heavyweight Champion. July 20, 2007 The Great Khali won the World Heavyweight Champion by competing in a 20 man battle royal. Today it was pretty sad too because Edge needed to surrender his Heavyweight belt because he had a serious injury so he can't wrestle for a few months. So Teddy Long told Edge he needed to surrender his belt because you know the saying. The show must go on!!! I wish Kane would of won because i wanted The Era of the Red Machine to start and besides his related to The Undertaker so i wanted someone who was worthy for the Heavyweight Champion to win like the Undertaker. But at least Batista didn't win because he just plays the good guy part to much so i wanted someone bad like The Great Khali or maybe Kane to win. It came true YEAH!!!!! I hope The Great Khali loses his belt soon to Kane because i really want him to win even thou what happen between to him and Lita but forget about that. Tonight Kane and Batista are going to face off each other to determined who's going to face The Great Khali in the Great American Bash!!!! I'm crossing my fingers and i hope that the bad guy Kane wins because i think he deserves the World Heavyweight Champion more than the good guy Batista!!!!! KANE I HOPE U WIN!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!
The new Heavyweight Champion

KANE i hope he wins The Heavyweight Champion Belt soon........now this is what i call the Evilist wrestler in WWE. Because what he did to MVP in Adromeda was so AWESOME!!!!!

But i wish Matt Hardy would of won but no but at least he was one of the last 5 men in the ring in the 20 men battle royal. Matt Hardy is the one with white tape around his arm. The other one is my cute boy Jeff Hardy. JEFF HARDY RULE!!!!! I'm crossing my fingers too that in The Great American Bash Jeff Hardy wins his intercontinental Champion Belt back because Jeff deserves it better than that fat a** Umaga.