- F L Y H I G H_______
X < I was born with this name || » Mitsuomi Ayame Nagi
X < But I rather go by this || »
- ◦Mitsuomi;; He prefers those that are close to him call him by his first name, but alas that is not many. Basically his mother and Arisu can call him by his first name without pissing him off.
◦Heki;; Heki means 'ruler'. Mitsuomi felt that was the prefect nickname for himself because he was the leader of one of the best AT Teams around. So he proclaimed that nickname for himself and it just stuck with him. So many refer to him by that.
X < Born with a strive for adventure || » Mitsuomi was born in the city of Tokyo on September 8th, 2659. So he has been alive and kicking for sixteen wild years.
X < You better believe I'm a || » I am a Cocky man.
X < Can I get your number || » I am heterosexual, even though it might seem like I don't want to settle down into any kind of relationship.
X < A taste of this sweet eye candy || » [x] [x] [x] [x]
- He stands about five feet and ten inches. Mitsuomi is also slightly masculine; toned chest and abdomen. He doesn't have the big bulging arm muscles, but he has some muscle there to pack a painful punch. Mitsuomi also has a faint tan look to his velvety soft skin.
Mitsuomi has silky soft golden blonde hair. The back is scruffy, long and messy. His hair is pretty much spikes that jut out every way. His bangs are scattered into small spikes that hang into his face. Contrasting the blonde hair, Mitsuomi has think black eyebrows. The dark brown almonds that are his eyes are full of spirit and a will to live. Pretty much most of the time, Mitsoumi's eyes hold a passion and fury of how much he wants to be the best Storm Rider there ever was. But when he is truly mad at someone, Mitsuomi's warm lively eyes become cold, harsh, unforgiving spheres of malice that can bore a hole through anyone's head. Moving on to the other marks on his flesh, Mitsuomi has a dragon tattoo wrapping around his upper right arm. He has scars all over his arms from when he use to fight...
No matter what outfit Mitsuomi is wearing, he always has on his spiked-black leather choker on around his neck. He loves that necklace and won't take it off for anyone. Other than that his outfits vary on what he is doing or how he is feeling. But most of the time when he is in a battle, Mitsuomi doesn't wear a shirt for he gets worked up and he ends up getting super hot. To the point you can see the sweat glistening on his body. So he was a pair of black pants hug tightly to his figure. Even though the pants are a nice fit, Mitsuomi also has a black leather belt clinging to his hips. Other than his Air Trecks, Mitsuomi also has thick straps wrapped around his calves and thighs (think more along the lines of Agito's pants and straps with the hooks on the ends).
When he is sitting back and watching an AT battle, Mitsuomi has on a long black leather trench coat the barely touches the ground. The trench coat is a custom made jacket just for him. It's pockets are zipper ones for the fact he doesn't want to loose anything if the police just decided to drop in on them. But that is the only thing different from his outfit when he is battling and just watching.
Much like his outfit when he watches battles, Mitsuomi's school uniform has also been altered to his liking. Instead of a jacket ending at his waist, Mitsuomi's jacket extends to his ankles and is a dark black with a red satin inside of it. Adding with the altercations, Mitsuomi threw out the tight dark slacks for a pair of black baggy jeans that barely cling to his hips. A white muscle shirt lays under his black jacket.
X < Take a look inside of me || » He is really arrogant to the point that he can become stubborn and pig-headed. He is the type that won't back down from a challenge. He rushes head first into everything without taking a moment to think. Pretty he leaves that up to his teammates, the thinking that is. Also his teammates have to tie him up and slap a piece of ever durable and ever lasting duct tape over his mouth. He is pretty much the cocky b*****d you find anywhere. And pretty much a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. But when he actually does think things out, Mitsuomi is quiet intelligent.
Like other guys, Mitsuomi thinks about girls. It is the one other thing that is on his mind besides ATs and Battles. He can seem pretty much like a pig and oblivious to other feelings, especially when it comes to love. He has no clue about woman nor where to start to how to understand them. But the ones that seem to catch his attention are the ones that can beat him (or send him flying out of a third story window lol).
With the territory of being cocky, Mitsuomi is unpredictable and restless. No one, not even Mitsuomi, can say for sure what he might do. He tends to speak his mind and goes through every emotion under the sun. So trying to predict Mitsuomi is like trying to predict when the sun will explode, chances are you might be wrong.
Mitsuomi is self-reliant and hates asking for help. He realized at a young age that the world is cruel and he was pretty much alone here. The only people that see the real Mitsuomi are his mother and Arisu. They are the only ones to see him as the kind guy he can be.
- T O U C H T H E S K Y_______
X < You can't defeat us || » Might just want to run away before the Lachymorse Nightmare come out.
X < Watch me tear you into shreds || » Even though Mitsuomi hasn't been using ATs as long as anyone else, he is quite skilled. He does tricks without realizing he had done them. But the thing is, since he doesn't truly know what he is doing, Mitsuomi doesn't seem to remember how he does any of his tricks afterwards unless they are the ones he memorized from other people. He seems to keep and eye on his opponent's movements and quickly learns their trick within moments. Pretty much at first he mimics his opponent until he gets the hang of the new trick.
X < Do you dare to find out more about me || » Mitsuomi never knew his father. Pretty much he grew up without an official role model in his life. His mother told him that his father died in an AT accident about two months before Mitsuomi was born. She told him many times that his father died protecting her and that is how she ended up with the eye patch on her left eye. Mitsoumi's mother always told him stories when he was a little boy. She even told him the story of Icarus and the Wings of Wax. She told him that story and always end it with "You see, Mitsuomi...The world is full of wings, but never let yours go." She would give him one of those pleasant smiles of hers and kiss the small child on the head before looking up at the sky.
So he grew up believe that he had the wings that was meant to sore the skies. But his happiness would be short lived as soon as he stepped outside the door. He would ended up being harassed by the other kids for not having a father to his middle name being a girl's name. The children were relentless to the little boy to the point he fought back. The other children would be a bloody mess by the time he was done and he would run home crying. His mother would sooth his aches and pains as soon as he fell into her lap sobbing. She would rub his back and whisper softly "Don't let them take your wings and sky...Don't let them." He would always listen to her voice and feel like that his wings fluttering to sore again...
So time passed by and Mitsuomi became more of a fighter. He stopped crying when his mother got sick. She was unable to do anything without coughing out her lungs. She came down with the unknown sickness that brought about Mitsuomi's desire to 'open his wings and fly'. He wanted to make his mother proud and wanted he to get better. She was sick for about a year, when Mitsuomi was ten years of age. So the young boy stopped his tears and began trying to find his path. But the thing is, Mitsuomi and his mother were poor. So back then, he could not afford to get Air Trecks. He thought he found a way to his wings through fighting. He would take down anyone and everyone. He always went after the people strong than him to bring him ever so close to his wings.
But as predicted, Mitsuomi lost sight of his wings for the brief moment. Fighting people was not getting him the satisification as he wished it would. But he could not stop. He made so many enemies and could trust few. He didn't know where to turn to to get out of this spiraling circle of violence and blood. But one day it was like god sent him a sign. A girl with ATs caught his attention and made Mitsuomi stare in complete awe. He could feel his bone rattle as he watched her fly out of sight. He knew from that moment on that nothing will ever be the same again.
Mitsuomi's mother got a new job that took her out of the country, leaving the young Mitsuomi to fend for himself at home. But of course, Mitsuomi could stand his own and took care of himself. So ever month, Mitsuomi received money from his mother to pay the bills, get food, and do other things. But as time went on, Mitsuomi ended up with quite a bit of cash left over at the end of each month. He began to save up to buy himself the ATs. Each month, he felt his heart grow lighter and lighter. He could feel his wings growing as he waited impatiently for the ATs.
Finally, about a year ago Mitsuomi got his first pair of Air Trecks. He tried them out for the first time, without a clue how to use them. He could not stand up at first, but by the ended of the night he was flying over the roof tops in Tokyo. He knew that his destiny was to be on the ATs and his wings will grow to take him away into the sky, like his mother told him.
X < I'm just havin' fun || » Besides battling, Mitsuomi finds himself zooming through the streets on his ATs, enjoying the feeling of the wind in his hair. But besides that, he still loves fighting.
X < Oh, hell yes || »
- ◦Air Trecks
X < You've got to be kidding me || »
- ◦Anyone harassing him or his friends
◦People talking down to him
X < I'll slit my throat if this happens || » Mitsuomi's greatest fear is to not be able to 'fly' again.
X < I live my life by this rule || » "I live my life how I see fit and live with the mistakes, but I will never loose sight of my goal." is the quote that Mitsuomi states when someone asks him about his life. He knows that it is true to himself, now that he knows where his goals lay.
- ___________________________
- Dark_Forbidden_Goddess