Art by: CherryViz

By: The Flame Lilith

By: Werewolf Godess
By: -Procrastinating Spazz-

By: Cinnanomnom Cafe Waitress

By: Ray Pest whee

*I'm slow when it comes to resizing photos. So I could only choose one to go into my signature. neutral *
This one is by: Kimiko Natsuki

By the way,anyone else that wants to give/sell me art just tell me.
Made by Metallic_Wolf

By : Anti D

Made by : ss25

Bought from: Ask Josh

Given to me by :Sector Two.(last three)

Given to me by: Sector Two. Cause he's cool like that.

By Kasey93

Bought from: Ask Josh

Given to me by :Sector Two.(last three)

Given to me by: Sector Two. Cause he's cool like that.

By Kasey93