I made the most delicious cupcakes this evening! Chocolate, with chocolate chips and vanilla icing on top. Loaded with sugar! Sweet, sweet sugary goodness! Huzzah for cupcakes!
I'm trying to cut down the shifts I have for my job, maybe then I can actually take some time to look for a new job. Seeing as right now I use my free-time just to de-stress or to spend with my darling. But if I get just one more day off a wekk, I could use that day to search for a job and still have two days a week to relax. But as it is right now, I feel too stressed come weekend time to actually look for a job.
Last time I tried I burst into tears because it was so overwelming and I felt so lost and useless and... well, I don't know how to describe it. Worthless, I suppose?
My emotions have really been out of control lately though. And these past few days I haven't been sleeping well. I just know something is going to happen tomorrow morning when I'm in customer service that is going to send me into tears. I was almost in tears today and I was only up there for half an hour!
Fricken customer service. People need to learn to be more polite and understanding. It isn't easy procesing returns and complaints all day long, nor is it easy to know what to do for returns that we don't actually accept. And then the customer acts like you are an idiot for not knowing. I'd like to see them do the job without a problem!
I had a lady the other day who was so rude. I asked her if she would like a bag - she was buying about 6 small things of oil but I still asked because sometimes people are really against bags, and they usually really appreciate me asking even when they do obviously need a bag. Well she honestly stopped in her tracks and gave me this look like' you stupid ******** whore, of course I want a god-damn bag' and yes, the swears came through on the look. I was just like 'ok, fine, I'll give you a bag'.
The next customer, who was directly behind her, smiled at me after she left and said 'it's ok, I don't need a bag today' I probably gave her a huge look of relief and said thank you very much and stated I didn't understand why the other lady had to be so hostile over a question I ask almost every customer who comes through.
/sigh rudeness annoys me so much. Probably because I try so hard to not be rude and to be polite to everyone, even those who I dislike.
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Sera's Thoughts
Quest = Wings.
I want all the animated wings. Or at least as many as I can get my grubby little paws on.
Best day of my life
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Quest = Wings.
I want all the animated wings. Or at least as many as I can get my grubby little paws on.
Best day of my life