An apology letter to Gaara
I'm sorry that I've put you through hell you don't desvere me you desvere someone better than me even though we've been nearly eight months together I do not think I am worth your time and affection please forgive me my dear I know you love me to death. But I wish you would understand the hell I myself have been going thourgh I know you have gone through worse. I want to make all this hell up to you tell me I want to change for the better. You do not know how much I love you. I love you so much that if you were dying I'd give up my life for you. I love you so much that if it would be possible I'd bring down all the stars and rearrange them in a heart. I love you so much that if it would be possible I'd stop time for you. Please forgive me you are no better than any guy let it be my ex boyfriend you are no better than any guy. Because if you start being yourself and having confidence in yourself and thinking that I would never do such a thing. Please understand that I am going to therapy for many reasons including my depression and bisexuality But then again we both have been through a hell. I know it is not fair to be suffering because you I think I do not care about you that is not true I do care alot about you. Because first off you are like a little brother to me and Second because we are going out. It really pains me to see you in this state.