A long day at work
hard and worked to the bone
I come home looking
For a comfort in being alone
I know ill never find it
Not in my deadened tone
I look for comfort in others
but they only see a girl
not the wounded wolf inside
searching for a home
her teeth are cracked
her eyes are dead
her body is weak
ready for a real bed
in the arms of someone
who for once will be true
for my wolf soul is injured
just like the one i see in you.
I know you can see it
those glazed yellow eyes
that cry for attention
seem a bit surprised?
that i can hear you howling?
whining in anguished pain?
that i can hear you clawing
at my souls own heart pains?
Maybe we should cross paths
your wolf and mine
see what kind of healing
we each had in mind
I promise to be gentle
if you promise too
to heal my wolfs soul
ill do the same for you
Please just be gentle
Im frail and may turn
So lets watch it all happen
see it all unwind
my green eyes turn yellow
your red hair turn wine
Well cry out together
howl at the moon
yell out in anger
ill confide in you
ill take all that hurt
you can take mine
well share all our pain
together well be fine
the others will all fade
the ones who caused you pain
ill heal all those scars
ill treat them with care
knowing that some feeling
still remains there
burning when touched
stinging when wrenched
but ill do my best to heal them
the best that i can.
So now that ive done
all that i can do
Its your turn to help me
just like i did you
but will be be like others
who just upped and left
or found another person
to share their pain with
just use me to fill
a temporary void
until you find another
that can hear all that noise
the howling of your soul
the growling of your heart
the scratching of your anger
just another to play the part
so now that ive trusted
and healed with all my heart
will you be the one
to heal my hurting parts
the scratches infected
the streaming of blood
the damage thats happened
thanks to others that have come
So i guess now ill wait
for you to speak up
to see what will happen
now between us
will you heal my wounds?
the ones no one can see?
the ones in my heart?
the ones caused by others
who said they loved me?
do you think you can
hear it like i can for you?
the howling of anger?
the whining of woe?
I know its all questions
many unneeded
but this is all thanks
to warnings unheeded
ive been cut deep
so now i must know
Will you be the one to heal
my wolfs soul?
My Wolf Soul
I wrote this poem when I met the man I am now going to marry for the first time 5 years ago.You will also find it under journal for the user BBlaze_Crys_Reaper813 because that is my original account that I first recorded it under.I am re-posting it in the original written format because it does have spelling errors that kind of add to the urgency from when it was written,But I feel they only add to the charm.
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