• My arms are dragging,
    My legs,
    I can’t move them.
    My heart is heavy.
    I know that nothing is there.

    I look down and there are shackles.
    No one sees them,
    No one can help me.

    Shackles on my wrists,
    They pull me into the earth.
    I cannot stay above the ground.
    Release me! Oh, anyone, liberate me!

    Shackles on my ankles,
    Dragging me to the ocean floor,
    I cannot fight for my life.
    I must breathe! Let me find air!

    Even a chain,
    Around my heart,
    Reeling me into darkness.
    There is no light,
    There is no love,
    I am alone.

    More shackles.
    I see more shackles,
    Yours, not mine.
    We all have shackles!

    Holding each other up,
    I am no longer afraid.
    I am not alone.