• Blue... cold...
    Gray... and dead...
    I'll never forget that silence in bed.
    Calm... to paniced...
    Emotions attack...
    This is the weight that was placed on my back.
    No blood... no life...
    The pain is gone...
    But I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong.
    Broken people
    Of disturbed mind...
    These are the ones who've been left behind.
    Time moves...
    Though it is slow...
    It won't wait for me... I've grown to know.
    Dark... deep...
    Scared... not brave...
    I looked into that freshly dug grave...
    And had a thought
    A nice as the weather,
    As warm as a hug,
    As light as a feather...
    This happy thing I'd say aloud never:
    "Let us all... be dead together."