• Your skin is ice cold, your gaze is even colder, glazed over like a glacier or a pond in winter. It scares me. Why is your gaze so cold, so lifeless? It reminds me of death. Why won't you move? Are you searching for someting? But how can you when it looks like you're not looking at anything? Please, say something, anything, let me know you're ok. Please, stop staring...stop...stop...Hold me, kiss me, laugh, cry, scream, Do Something! Anything! I beg of you! Answer me!

    I look down at your side. What is that red liquid beside you? Where's it coming from? And why is it growing? Is it...blood? Is it...your...blood? Well, if not, then who's? Why is it you won't answer any of my questions? Just, please, answer me, that's all I ask of you. But you can't, can you? You're dead, aren't you...?