• Once upon a time in the early mornin’
    In the town of Northshire a noob was born
    And he yawned and stretched and blinked the mornin’ light

    And he sawed and see’d him standing right there
    With a yellow exclamation parked over his hair
    So he asked that fella’ just what there was around to find

    Well the noob was ordered to kill some kobold
    So he ran right over and did what he’s told
    And by the time it was over that noob was feelin’ dumb

    “I’m way too uber for the likes of this place” he said
    “I think it’s time to pick up the pace”
    So he boldly left town even though he was only level one

    He walked through the fields and he crossed the river
    Until he entered a place that made most noobs shiver
    It was Duskwood, where the undead walk the land

    Well the trees were scary and so was the grass
    But the noob saw somebody riding up the path
    So he put out an arm and waved one noobish hand

    When the rider got closer the noob could see
    He had just hailed a Horde who was level sixty
    And not only that he was flagged for PVP

    Well most noobs would have turned and run
    But that noob decided to do something dumb
    He stood in the road and gave the Horde some grief

    At first the Horde was a little surprised
    By the noob who obviously wanted to die
    But he laughed so hard he even shed some tears

    “Hey this guy’s got a certain appeal”
    “So I’ll tell you what noob I’ll make you a deal”
    “You beat me, and I’ll give you all my gear”

    So the noob got out his little short sword
    And started to whack away at the horde
    Who just stood there laughing his butt off in the road

    “I’ll let him wail on me for a while”
    Though the Horde to himself, as he smiled
    “And then BAM! It will all be over for that choob”

    Now about this time, in real life
    That Horde got a phone call from his ex-wife
    He wondered if he should answer the phone or stay

    “Well that noob won’t kill me in million years”
    “So if I wait a few minutes, who cares”
    And he got up to get the phone and went AFK

    But that little noob, well he hacked and slashed
    As if every stroke was burning in cash
    And very slowly, he withered away that horde’s HP

    And the Horde’s ex kept him on the phone
    Much longer than he though he’d be gone
    And when he finally hung up, it felt like an hour or three.

    Well the Horde finally got himself back to the screen
    And what he saw there nearly made him scream!
    That noob had widdled his hitpoints down to eight

    The Horde flew to the keyboard to lift his mace
    But that noob let fly one right to the face
    And that Horde crashed to the ground… one second too late

    Well the Horde knew that he’d been beat
    He cleared his throat and looked down at his feet
    And the noob, he danced around like he’d gone mad

    And the Horde said, “well I’m a guy of my word”
    “So here’s all my stuff although you look absurd”
    And he handed that noob every last little thing he had

    The noob rode away with all of his prizes
    While the Horde just sat there and cried out his eyes
    At this point my tale is nearly done

    In Azeroth, they still tell the story
    Of the noob that left town, looking for glory
    And took on a level sixty… and won….