• One day a child was born and grew to the age of five,
    Soon his path began to be built for him to walk, striving on.
    His path was easy at this age, so not much except the usual bump,
    With these usual bumps and humps, they weren't a problem,
    But several years pass, now the boy is a teen, age sixteen.
    As he strived on his path, it was no longer bumps and keen,
    it was hills and walls, that blocked his path.
    Soon he heard voices from afar, sweet sounding and tempting,
    the voices whispered,"Go down the smaller paths, they are exciting and fun,
    better than the other path. It will take you to a ton better things."
    The child looked to the side path and saw it interesting,
    He soon took the path, but it was harder to transverse,
    tree branches overgrew, the path barely visible and hard to see,
    Soon he was lost and couldn't find a way out of the mess he was in,
    But from behind him a voice and a light resounded.
    It called out to him, powerful, but yet calming and sweet,
    "You may have strayed off the path, but I can lead you back,
    Follow me back to the path, and I can make it easier for you.
    Just stay with my path that I have lain for you."
    The boy soon turned around and followed the light back on to the path,
    he never left the path, trusting and believing in the voice and the path.
    Soon as he grew older, his path was easier, seeing a brighter light beyond,
    He knew this could be the end of the path, but he was in a greater place.
    The Path of Heaven was completed.