• Love,
    Is just a word.
    A word that many use.
    They may not feel it,
    May not even know
    What it is,
    But it is there.
    Waiting, silently in your mind
    Sitting, waiting for the door.
    The door that will lead to
    True passion, and real feelings.
    Feelings that many people
    Can't explain.
    From here a seed will be planted,
    And sprout, and bloom,
    As a flower of your heart's desire.
    It cannot be felt at first,
    But once it is planted
    It will always be there.
    In one's heart may be
    A field of flowers. In others,
    A single rose.
    From these flowers
    Comes words never spoken,
    Comes sounds never heard,
    Comes motion never thought of before.
    From these feelings, these dreams,
    Is love;
    Which is just a word to some,
    But you make it feel real.