• Human nature is self-preservation.
    Why are we like this?
    I ask this knowing i'm the same way, and i still am a hipocryt and say it's wrong
    These thoughts make me feel like living is pointless.
    But then i find some excuse to keep living, whether it big or small.
    Am i a gutless worm?
    Am i so wrong i don't deserve to live?
    Please tell me!
    Right now....
    Right now.....I feel so pathetic.
    Everytime i think of this, i feel i've let someone die because of my nature.
    No voice correses my ears to tell me it's okay.
    No hands reach to me, and tell me i am not alone.
    I am left alone.
    Even of people are talking to me, i still feel alone.
    Maybe i deserve it, but who knows.
    I feel i've done something unforgivable..... But what?
    It's my Fault!
    My Fault!
    If i could've done something....
    If i weren't so incompetent....
    If i didn't let others, who understand nothing about me, influence me...
    I feel i've lost someone dear to me.....
    I feel i've not heard the dying voice of my dear person.
    I feel i've not seen the last smile my dear person gave me.
    I am a Horrible Person...... No, I am not even that.
    I am a Gutless, spineless worm!
    I do things to lessen the pain of losing my dear person.
    I am kind to foget the fact i cannot hear my dear persons voice anymore.
    My dear person.....Who are you?
    Sorry.... I couldn't save you...
    I am.......Simply Sorry.....truelly Sorry.
    Tears rolling down my cheeks as i held your hand.
    Your hand got colder and colder as i held it./
    The rain wouldn't let up, the sky looked so sorrowful.
    I don't remember your face, or the last thing we talked about.
    Why couldn't i save you?
    I don't know who you are...But i feel you were very special to me!
    And i'm sorry........ For not being able to help you.
    For not being able to save you..... Please forgive me.