• Changes today, promises tomorrow
    The heart tells tales of pain and sorrow
    The wind whipped wild, fragrant and sweet
    Taking nothing but a heart's beat
    Whispers go softly into the night
    The sparrow lands softly without a fight
    Streams sing great llulabies to the top of the peek
    Thesparrow preens her feathers, graceful and sleek
    Music heard from near in far
    But once it passed it's just another scar
    The mountains of life were heavy with snow
    The sands of time where nothing can grow
    Sparrow flew over the mountain, as high as she could fly
    Then took rest upon the beach and looked up at the sky
    That's where I go, that's where I dwell
    That's where I'll stay until the dawn's bell
    The ocean's spray, the shades of the trees
    Things of such beauty brings men to their knees