• Darkness around me,
    I feel it getting closer,
    It is reaching out,
    Grabbing me everywhere,

    Oh why can't I see?
    I feel like I am falling,
    Down, Down, and Down,
    Now my life flashes before me,

    I feel the point of my blindness coming,
    Where is it?
    I passed it already,
    I see my life now,

    I see what people did to me,
    I see the life hidden away from me,
    I see what they wrote about me,
    What blindness shielded me from,

    I see the last conversation,
    The one before this fall,
    The one between me and my brother,
    The one that I thought protected me,

    My life was revealed,
    I am happy for that,
    But I am sad that people attacked me,
    And my brother was one of them,

    He was a double agent,
    Now I know,
    This blindness wasn't a curse,
    But a blessing of the greatest strength.