• loves not worth it
    i'll kiss you in the rain
    i'll hold your hand
    and i lay next to you till u awake
    ill draw you and me
    i'll hug u all the time
    and i'll kiss you when i know there watching
    i'll play life with you in the middle of the night
    and i'll point and say "yep thats him"
    i'll tell all my friends about the night before
    i'll cook for you when your sick
    and i'll clean your house when your gone
    i'll do everything to put a smile on your face
    because thats what i live for
    but the one thing that i wont tell you...
    is "i love you"
    becuase the second i do
    that gives you the power to hurt me
    so i'll spend every night thinking about you
    and every morning wishing you were there
    but dont excpect me to say those three words
    becuase once your gone
    i have nothing to live for