• The white lie

    The moment I told you something and you didn’t agree you lie to not hurt me
    So I went on blind by my own thoughts and hearing you agree push me on
    Now I lay here
    Thinking of everything I said and how stupid I was to believe your words
    The trust I place in you have been destroyed
    But by fare not hearing it form your mouth is what crush me
    I don’t know if I can forgive you fully and go back to friends
    I just wish you told the truth
    Then I wont have been hurt so much
    A lie
    A white lie you thought or didn’t think about
    They are what can change the view of the person you lied to
    No I fight to forgive you
    I want to forgive you because I understand you
    But deep down my hart hurts and cries
    I want to show you what I said was true but how
    If I cant even get myself to forgive you
    What I said and what I do will change for the better or worst who knows
    I planed to see you
    I planed to talk to you
    Now those planed are question
    What will happen now is all on me
    I still love you no matter what and even do we never really saw each other or talk to each other like person to person there is something about you that makes me want to just say those words
    I still love you