• Pain swirls 'round and 'round never stopping; like a river, ever flowing through my veins and my mind, tormenting me into thinking things that were never going to be a part of my insignificant fantasies of not being alone to face the fears of the world that we all see in our
    light penetrating through the darkness that clouds our thoughts and drives us to make decisions that we otherwise wouldn't make to avoid contracting yet more pain to our ever whirling vortex of chaos and discord that seems almost insanely impossible to disperse so that you have a clear path to walk on lined with memories to help guide you on your way to life of happiness that you can enjoy with someone whom shares similar ideals, or not, and whom you can say you love unconditionally, even after either one passes on that bond will be so strong that it will never break regardless of what goes on and no matter how for you fall into the darkness that a single ray of light will protrude through to reach you so that you will remember that you always have a purpose and to not stop trying until that purpose is safe and protected for as long as you both shall live and beyond.