• Some people believe that they know
    Whether or not you're feeling low
    Whenever you are mad or say
    Just how you're feeling any day
    They don't know you for what you are
    The you that drives you in your car
    The you that lives inside your head
    The one you lie with in your bed
    If only people truly knew
    All the things that you've been through
    The things that kept you up at night
    The things that made you learn to fight
    The things that forged the mask you wear
    To hide the truth behind your stare
    So people aren't aware of you
    They meet the mask and think it's true
    It's dangerous to take it off
    People assume and like to talk
    And thus this masquerade was born
    To hide the scars where you're ripped and torn
    You're in for pain if you've come for pleasure
    These games go on and on forever