• Darkness

    Dark clouds rolled in over the horizon darking the world around it soon the rain fell from the dark clouds, Now shivering the wind blowing hard as my eyes focused on the dark clouds on the horizon watching everyone flee in anger and fear as I stood there soaked from the rain as I looked at the wind watching it tear everything away I closed my eyes and held out my arms...The wind howling in my ears as i was lifted into the air and opened my eyes I could see light enter my soul and purified my soul I stood upon a cloud in heaven's gate, I tapped my hand upon the gate slowly the gate opened as I walked in and looked around looking at the spirits waving at me from little homes in the distance I walked over to a gate that said "God" I pushed the gate open intent on finding out where I was in heaven. I walked up solid gold stair's Heaven's golden stairs for all who have visited heaven. Great men of god went up these stairs I looked over the edge of the cloud I could see the clouds on earth I could hear people praying I went over to far, And fell over the edge now falling to earth I landed on a church roof in front of a podium a I fell to sleep soothed to sleep by the choir...I awoke in the hospital everything was normal