• I’m so tired of this class
    But I gotta do what I need to pass
    The day is going by a bit too slow
    I’m trying to work my brain but it says I just don’t know
    This work is hard I want to take a break
    But it’s like writing in pen without making a mistake

    I want to do my best to get a good grade
    But what’s my motivation, I’m not getting paid
    These teachers are so dull, they can’t make work fun
    If they could, our test scores would be number one
    The teachers’ yells are so loud and vexatious
    They bust my pencils ear drums, because it’s not that tenacious

    These teachers want me to give them respect
    But if i say no I won't be correct
    I want to give them respect but i just dont know
    It's confusing like a winter without snow
    These teachers are too hard on me, i'm going to have a fit
    But I can't quit now because I really need it