• He promised to love me for ever.
    He promised to be at my side.
    He promised to be the prince charming of my dreams.
    He was my knight in his bright armor.
    with his sword, he would fight the scariest monsters in the entire kingdom.
    His bravery would attonish everyone in the royal court
    Princesses from all the world would loved him from a far
    But the fact remaind, he was mine... only mine.

    One day, my prince tooK me to the lake
    "Stay here princess, admire the landscape. I shall be back."
    I smiled, because I knew his promise was as pure as the crystal waters of that lake
    I belived, in his words, because I loved him.
    As simple as that...
    "Go ahead my prince, finish what its ought to be done. Here I will be waiting."
    That day, my prince was gone.
    My mind would tell me to stay
    but my my heart was telling me to refuse the waiting
    and search for him...
    What if the sweetest love of my life was in danger?
    What if he needed his princess to recue him?

    Fearless, I stood up and began my quest.
    I walked and walked through the whole forest.
    I heard, from a leyend, that the forest was magic and would answer me if I ask.
    As I walk, I found a wooden stick, a rock, and caterpillar resting still on the dusty road.
    I clear my throat and began...

    "Excuse me wooden stick, I am in search of my prince. Have you seen him?"
    "Yes I have, but princess... You shall go back. For your eyes can't see yet."
    "My eyes can see, for I am not blind. Would you tell me, rock. Where is my prince?"
    "He is where the dragon's cave, but princess you shall go back. For your eyes can't see yet" The hard, gray rock replied to me.
    Tiredly I sat. "Mr. Caterpillar. You are my last hope. Would you tell me where is the dragon's cave?"
    "It is a mile away from here, but princess you shall go back. You heart won't stand what you eyes can't see."
    I stood up.
    "I can see, and now I am going. What a kind of friends you say you are,
    you are not even by my side!
    I shall see you later. "

    Once done, I began my quest once again.
    Oh my prince, I am almost there. I will save you
    And we will have our happily ever after.

    The dragon's cave was near,
    the warm air was the hint...
    I walked fatser, almost running..
    My velvet silk dress becoming rags as I ran though the roses spikes.
    I was tired, bleeding and looking as just as a commoner.
    Finally I was there....

    "Prince?" I asked when I see him.
    He turned around, his hand covering his mouth.
    "Princess, I told you to wait. Now, you ruin your life."
    I began to cry.
    "Princess, he is gone. Now he is mine."
    The black witch said as she kissed him again.
    A tender, passionate kiss imposible to compare.
    My heart was broken, my eyes were seeing the truth I refused.
    "Sorry princes, your happily ever after must wait."
    My prince said and passed me by without saying good-bye.

    He was gone, my prince was gone.
    I am the princess of the modern times
    The princess who has been in love more than once
    And has be broken-heart more than once too.
    We, the modern princess, often refused to see.
    We don't believe our prince is passing the time with a black witch
    We often don't listen to our friends, who are always by our side
    No matter how bad the thruth is, they won't hide it.

    I am the modern princess,
    this was my modern fairy tale...
    If you share my pain, have faith my princess
    We shall find love soon,
    Life can't be more cruel...