• Hollow Song
    By: Bluefir111

    It's been so long
    Almost forever
    Almost nothing is left
    Please this song of mine
    That goes on forever
    That goes forever unheard
    I'm falling now
    The world is like the glass that makes up these walls
    When it broke, my body was torn to shreds.

    The hollow song I sing
    The darkened memories I feel
    The demons inside of me
    They make my flesh peal
    I'll stand again
    As my heart dies
    From your most beautiful lie.

    I can still see you when I sleep
    I feel you in my veins
    If you saw me bleed you said you would stay
    So, Where are you now?!

    Reattach my bloody arm
    The same one that I used to hold you
    You will never understand me
    Your love so real yet,
    Your love was so faked in the end.

    Writes you name in my notebook for the last time
    Watching as you slowly suffer a fate worse than death
    My demons will soon become yours
    You will know the pain I bare all alone.

    "I love you."
    No you don't
    So now let's die
    Sow my eyes shut
    Then slit them open again
    Say that you love me and mean it
    Right before I shoot you in the head for the final time
    You will never understand
    The knife you drove into my heart
    Let's die not as lovers
    But as enemies
    For I have found others.

    These new memories I have
    So much trust I have
    I'll protect them both with my life
    For tonight you are the only one that dies
    The only one that dies alone
    Enjoy my friends
    For this vampire is rising from his grave
    To be happy once again
    My hollow song is now filled with meaning
    It's ever so fused with sound.